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Mum argues that parents are starting a trend that shames mums and dads for ‘having babies who act like babies’.

Cassie Murdoch, a lifestyle reporter from Brooklyn, New York, penned a powerful essay for Mashable in which she argued against gifting strangers ear plugs and candy, out of fear that your child will cry or bother others during a flight.

‘On the surface it’s a nice gesture, but as the mother of twin toddlers, every time I see one of these baggies go viral I am filled with rage,’ she wrote.

According to Cassie she has spoken with other parents who agree with her, although she understands that the people who do this are ‘just trying to be nice’.

However, Cassie does believe the kindhearted gesture — which has turned into internet fodder — is building an ‘unrealistic expectation’ that you should expect some sort of treat for traveling with parents and their babies, shared the Daily Mail.

Over the past few years, more and more parents are opting to pack baggies filled with earplugs and candy for other passengers on their flights as a preemptive apology for their children being fussy or crying.

‘The thing about these goody bags that has rubbed many parents the wrong way from the start is that they send the message we should feel bad for having babies who act like babies. We shouldn’t,’ she insisted.

‘If my child screams, it may annoy you. But there are a million ways adults can be equally annoying — and they should know better.’

‘I shouldn’t have to also stress that I failed to bring a dozen charming packages full of snacks for everyone around me,’ she explained.

Most parents try to do whatever they can to make sure that their children don’t bother or disrupt other passengers during a flight.

She ended her post with a reminder that no matter how much a baby or toddler is annoying you, ‘he or she is almost certainly 150 per cent more irritating to his or her parents’.

Read her full post here.

Do you agree that this trend is setting a bad example?

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  • Never heard of this and wouldn’t appreciate it any way. I’d be perfectly happy to see the parent attempting to help their baby get over their crying.


  • The one time I would apologise is if I discovered my kid was kicking the back of the seat in front.


  • Nope…i dont think its apologising for babies acting like babies. Its apologising if your child is crying or screaming it disturbs others. Just because its an expected thing for a baby to cry doesnt mean you cant use manners and apologise. You dont have to make up gift bags for everyone but if you want to then go right ahead. Either way i think its fine.

    Its kind of like when my daughter was sick and she threw up all over the Floor at the Doctors surgery. I still apologised to the nurse for the mess. But thats what sick kids do.


  • Never thought about packing baggies filled with earplugs and candy for other passengers on their flights as a preemptive apology for their children being fussy or crying and never will ! I don’t apologize for my child being fussy, I do explain sometimes though that she is tired, unwell or not able to speak / express herself.


  • I had never heard about this or read about this until I read this article. If some parents wish to do this I have no objection as it may help them to feel better as some parents are overly conscientious and it may alleviate their worry and may promote conversation with other passengers. I have flown with children and with children around me and never received a goodie bag. Flying in confined quarters takes patience and tolerance and respect from everyone including adults and children.


  • It’s something I’ve never heard of nor would I consider it if I was to travel with a baby. Babies and young children aren’t the only ones to offend people on planes. Eg drunk people, people with BO, people who hog the arm rests, ones who recline their seats, hit you with their luggage etc etc etc can’t have goodie bags for everyone


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