
48 Comment

This is a project that has three phases. Firstly making your background, then building your park and finally…playing in your park. Great for preschoolers who still enjoy knocking blocks all over the place.


  • Tub blocks or foam squares
  • 1 Pre-made collage background
  • 1+ Finger skateboards or cars


  1. Make a collage background. We wanted to do a more industrial theme but my girls decided to colour things in pink and orange.
  2. In front of your collage background take a tub of blocks and set up an obstacle style course with ramps and steps.
  3. If you have other items such as little plastic bins, cardboard box buildings or bottle caps you can add those too. We also use hot wheels cars.

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About The Author

Kate Shelby is an Australian mum blogger, mother and lover of superheroes in tight pants. Between raising kids and tackling life's curve balls you will find her at australianmum.com

Author's webpage/blog: Australian Mum

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  • My boys would love this. I’ll show my husband. Something for him to do.


  • I’ll have to bookmark this for when my baby boy is a bit older as I think he’ll really like this!
    Looks like it would be a lot of fun and would keep him busy for awhile.


  • Such a fun rainy day activity! Does anyone have any recommendations on where to buy some largeish foam blocks for this?


  • When large items are delivered the boxes they come in make great play houses, etc


  • Oh my gosh, I LOVE this idea. Very very creative


  • So much work went into that! How frustrating if bits get knocked over! I just threw out a playground my daughter made with a friend in primary school. They were very creative, did a good job


  • What an amazing project. Especially if you have access to limited blocks


  • Absolutely Amazing! Well done on this creative piece. I will keep this in mind for the future sure.


  • Oh amazing! And I can imagine it changing all the time as it gets accidentally knocked over and rebuilt. Brilliant


  • This is probably my favourite craft activity. It looks impressive and I love that so much work has gone into it. Very cool.


  • This is brilliant. The possibilities are endless as to the different ‘parks’ and themes that could be created. A zoo would be a good one or a Show – with ferris wheel, animals, woodchopping etc. Or a beach day out. So so many 🙂 I love this.


  • What an awful lot of work gone into this! Would be a good school holiday project


  • That is a great way to use the game Jenga for bridges, roads and driving cars


  • Great way to let kids imaginations make their own skatepark, carpark, alien home, whatever. I love this. Thanks.


  • This is the best idea! Hours of fun! Thank you for sharing


  • So much fun to be had, great!


  • Wonderful, great idea and heaps of work. Thanks for sharing


  • That looks fun and a lot of work.. Love it thankyou


  • A wonderful idea and lots of fun to be had! Thanks!


  • wow this should keep the kids (and adults) busy playing for ages. Great project.


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