

Australians just love their pooches and when it comes to naming their furry mates, we like monikers that are a little more unusual.

Bupa Pet Insurance has revealed the most popular dog name in Australia, with Luna taking the honours. The list of most, and least, popular dog names is based on the names registered on the insurance company’s policies between January and September this year. And Luna has take out the top spot for five consecutive years!

Also among the top ten most popular dog names in Australia are Teddy, Daisy, Charlie, Milo, Frankie, Bella, Archie, Coco and Ruby.

But there were still plenty of paw-rents who went for less-conventional names, with dogs named after drinks, including Bundy, Whiskey, Brandy and Bubbles, and others after food, including Bagel, Chilli, Oreo, Biscuit and Peanut.

Sporting stars also made the cut for more unique dog names, including PEPE and Kobe.


“Just like some children’s names, some pet names can divide popular opinion. Perhaps that’s why classic names continue to top the list, though the trend for more unique dog names continues to grow,” said Bupa General Insurance Manager, Shannon Orbons.

“So, if you’re in your local off-leash park and you call out ‘Luna’ or ‘Daisy’, and some other friendly neighbourhood dogs run up to you, you’ll now know why.”

What’s your dog’s name? Did they make the list? Let us know in the comments below. 

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  • I would have thought that Lady would have made the popular list


  • Our dog’s name didn’t make the list, but one of our cat’s did :)


  • The dogs we’ve had were Crumpet, Bully, Bullet, Tessie and now I have Soxy. The reasons behind their names:- Crumpet because she loved the boys, Bully because he looked like one but he was just loved people, Bullet because my late husband said he moved that quick. Tessie because she pranced and acted like a Contessa and Soxy? well that’s because she was pure black with 3 white paws. She is also my little angel


  • I think it’s a bit odd when dogs share “people” names.


  • Our dog who passed recently was Pumpernickle – never in the 14 years that we had him did we meet another dog by the same name lol


  • I actually dont like any of those names all a bit too common rather pick something more unique


  • Many cute names to choose from. Our next dog would be a Digby, Bentley or Benny


  • Our current dogs names aren’t on the list but we have had a “Charlie” in the past.


  • Oh those names are cute. Our past dog was Joyar the initials of each of name, dad, mum, my sister, me and my younger sister.


  • Oh I love some of those less conventional names like Oreo. Our dogs name is not there. Maybe I would have chose something less conventional but the kids got naming rights (we had to approve of it)


  • Only one of our family’s myriad of dogs’ names came up on the list – Teddy. The rest I haven’t seen or heard for ages.


  • There’s some great ones in there. We tend to be more unique with our names. I have a springer spaniel named Jerry (like Jerry Springer) and a cavalier name after my husband’s favourite pokemon, Sylvie (like Sylveon)


  • Daphne is adorable. Our next puppy will be Doug … or Pat.. “pat the dog”


  • I really love the name Coco.


  • TSK did not make the list. We named our Jack Russell after a dear friend that passed away, He used to call all everyone TSK.


  • My dogs names didn’t make this list but seem to make baby name lists, haha!


  • Maxi didn’t make the list! Funny, he’s on so many others.


  • My dogs name is not on the list.


  • We have no dpgs as we’re renting. My kids would love a dog though


  • Lots of great names there. I do prefer ‘dog’ names rather than people names. The drink and food ones are cute too.


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