

THE FUTURE school could see the week cut to three days as growing number of students are taught in shifts, according to an education expert.

Victoria faces an education boom with an extra 50,000 students predicted to enrol over just eight years.

Deakin University associate professor of digital learning, Tom Apperley, said ballooning numbers might send students online.

He said schools could introduce shifts — rotating students through fewer classroom lessons and offering top-up education online, reports The Mercury.

“In 20 or 30 years, school won’t be an everyday affair,” he said.

“As state-funded schools continue to grow, they might only offer a student three or fours days a week. Or they might just go to offering half-days and shifts for students.

“Digital infrastructure will take the pressure off our physical infrastructure.”

Education experts also predict schools would stop teaching maths, science, reading and music as individual lessons.

Instead, project-based learning would combine multiple areas of the curriculum.

“The traditional classroom of 25 tables all facing the front with one teacher is a stark contrast to the possibilities the future offers.”

What do you think about schools of the future?

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  • That will be a different set up. Will make it more difficult for working parents though


  • wow that is shocking to think about! very different set of circumstances though i guess


  • Perhaps the old way of learning is becoming less relevant when you can just google up your facts these days. Maybe cursory maths and learning to write is all one would need in 30 years time.


  • Sounds like a lot more work for teachers!! It’s hard enough to get kids to complete homework at home, I can only wonder how they’d go completing some of their learning online..?
    Also, how would this work unless parents/caregivers were home to supervise for the extra hours??


  • This idea will not be suitable for a lot of special needs pupils.
    This system may eventually become a case of home schooling or correspondence. Who is going to be employed to check the work the children do? The only thing they will really save on is the cost of infastructure.
    What about the children with allergies whose paperwork has to be checked by somebody who has had any contact with some products including some medications. I know a child who has breathing problems after coming into contact with one particular medication in any way.


  • Not sure I’m keen, but it won’t happen abruptly.


  • It will be interesting to see how our society changes as a result of overpopulation.


  • Concerning. To be taught by teachers in real life is in my opinion more effective. Let alone the social effect of making and meeting friends at school and teaching the daily routine of going to the place you are expected (in preparation to jobs later in life).
    I was reading an article from UNICEF last week where Australia is ranked 39 out of 41 countries with their quality of education. This idea proofs how low the priority is on quality education yet again.

    • 39th? That can’t be true! I find the education system very good here in Australia. Why such a low rank? :-(


  • or they could just open more schools and employ more teachers, you know the ones that have paid thousands of dollars to qualify for the job, the fees we pay for our free educations should cover it


  • Nothing can replace a real live teacher in front of a child to teach them.


  • Who knows what life will be like in 30yrs …schooling has changed from when I attended so I pretty sure yes it will be different.


  • I actually like the idea of reducing school time to just 4 days a week. Life just goes too quick and kids in high school are too often running all the time.
    I’d love to see work days reduced to 4 days a week too! :-)


  • So if kids are going to school part time many parents will also now need to be part time workers
    It costs way to much for outside of school care


  • I don’t see this happening but you never know!


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