

Where on earth did that time go?! Jamie and Jools Oliver celebrate their baby boys first birthday

Jools Oliver shared a sweet message for her baby boy on Instagram, “Happy first birthday little River Rocket Blue Dallas –  The moment we first met you, I think I was clinging on to you pretty tightly! You have brought so much happiness and love in to our family. You are the happiest little soul with the biggest smile and dimple and you are so adored by your big sisters and brother and everyone around you. So looking forward to waking you up know for the biggest cuddle”

Night night sweet River may you always wake up this happy last one from today! ????✨xxx

A post shared by Jools Oliver (@joolsoliver) on

Happy birthday little man! xx

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  • Such a little cutie with that gorgeous smile. I’m sure anyone who sees him will smile with him. Happy belated 1st Birthday wishes to you little River.


  • aw you just gotta love the pure happiness of kids hey! the first birthday is a big milestone for both the parents and the bubbas


  • What a gorgeous smile indeed ! Enjoy your big day wee man !


  • Sure has a lovely big smile. :)


  • Where did that year go? Happy birthday little man. You are going to be as outgoing as your dad.


  • Happy Birthday to a gorgeous little boy!


  • Happy birthday (though I still think you may regret that name).


  • So gorgeous. Happy first birthday xx????


  • What a cute toothy smile! Happy birthday.


  • Happy birthday River Rocket!


  • He’s got such a lovely smile. One year! It doesn’t look like it, indeed!!
    Happy birthday, River Rocket!! :-)


  • his smile does brighten my day every time he is posted on Instagram as I follow them. I didn’t realise your birthday falls on my daughter’s birthday. I hope your birthday was better than my daughter’s as she didn’t have a good birthday. Happy Birthday River.

    • I’m sorry to hear that your daughter didn’t have a good birthday.

      The year seems to have gone so quickly. You can see he loves sucking his thumb


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