
February 25, 2020


The nanny insists she was saving the baby from ‘chemicals’ found in formula…

A mum has shared her horror in Slate’s advice column ‘Dear Prudence’  after she found her babysitter breastfeeding her daughter when she arrived to pick her up from childcare. The mum says she thought she had found the perfect care for her adopted daughter, with the nanny looking after a number of children in her own home.

Immediate Disapproval

The mum said that everything had been going smoothly until she made the discovery, with one notable exception. After disclosing to the nanny that she fed her daughter with formula, the mum says she was met with immediate disapproval. “You feed her that slop?” the nanny allegedly asked, but the mum admits she brushed it off and thought no more of it, despite initially being taken aback by the question. “I ignored the barb (I’m used to it), gave a quick rundown and went on my way,” she said. On the day in question, the mum says she got off work earlier than usual and went to collect her daughter, arriving at the daycare before the scheduled pick up time.

Completely Unacceptable

The mum says she let herself into the house through the side entrance used by parents and saw the woman breastfeeding her baby daughter. “When I got to the area of the house where my daughter was, I about fell over. The day care provider was NURSING MY BABY!” she said. “I marched over, took the baby from her arms, and asked her if she was crazy.”

The potential dangers of sharing breast milk are well documented including infection and nutritional imbalance, not to mention the emotional attachment associated with it, so we can completely understand where this mum is coming from – this nanny definitely crossed the line!

Have you had a bad childcare experience? Share your story in the comments.

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  • Its a bodily fluid and this puts a child at risk. There is no way that someone should feed your baby without your permission.


  • How could she do that? Totally unacceptable. Something like this should be illegal.


  • This is taking things too far!


  • Oh that’s so nasty! I’m a bit surprised the baby took the breast actually as it obviously wasn’t Mums boob


  • Oh that is just horrifying. Disease can be spread through breast milk. I’m lucky haven’t had a horror story


  • No, no, no…


  • That’s definitely not ok, the babysitter should never put her beliefs on a mother. The only way this would be ok (never heard of it though) if in the mother’s agreement she had wet nursing if her baby needed it maybe. Obviously considering all options first.


  • That’s definitely not right what this babysitter did. It’s up to the parent what their babies have whether breast milk or formula. I hope she never used that babysitter again.


  • Oh that’s just not right! Not your baby not your choice


  • No No No NO NO!! This is not okay. It’s a violation of trust and care and BOUNDARIES. This is not okay.

    • Exactly! Boundaries crossed and trust broken and there needs to be accountability!

      • Yes I agree she totally crossed lines


  • I think she should’ve asked first definitely


  • This is so not acceptable!


  • This is disgusting!!!


  • No way!


  • I wouldn’t be impressed one little bit


  • That should be reported to a relevant authority?


  • This is wrong on so many levels – I would have definitely taken the matter further if it was me!


  • far out!!!!


  • The nanny certainly crossed a line doing this without the mums approval !


  • I would be furious too if someone crossed the line in this manner and would take recourse.


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