

Healthy Mummy founder hits back at ACA claims behind the truth of ‘celebrity diets’.

Rhian Allen has spoken out following a story on ACA saying it was all very misleading and now hopes to clarify a few points.

The story in question was focused on the truth about Celebrity diets and shakes and how they promise you weightloss success but are often just doing more harm than good.

In the story they claimed that celebs are just all about the money and not really interested in helping anyone lose weight.

They also compared some of the popular weight loss programs including The Healthy Mummy.

Rhian said, “I founded the Healthy Mummy 9 years ago when I was pregnant with my first baby and I realised nothing existed that helped mums get healthy and back in shape after having children. I wanted to create a supportive, sustainable, balanced and budget friendly program that genuinely helped mums get healthy.

“I sold my house and quit my job and invested everything I had to start the business and I brought on an extensive team of qualified nutritionists and fitness trainers to create our programs”, Rhian stipulated.

A Current Affair in their piece, insinuated that I create the Healthy Mummy plans and am unqualified – this is 100% not true as I have always paid nutrition and fitness experts to create our plans and we currently have 5 nutritionists as part of the team and 5 fitness experts – with more about to come on. Also all our fitness videos (we have over 350 in our app) feature our experts and never once feature me as I am not a fitness professional.

“Secondly we are mentioned in the piece as being a celebrity backed diet – we are 100% not – we have no celebs on board as we focus on real mums and our plans are built around family friendly and sustainable plans – not any kind of quick fix.

Rhian added, “I am passionate about what we do at The Healthy Mummy (we also offer an enormous amount of free recipes, exercises and content for mums who can not afford our programs)and helping as many mums as possible and would love it if ACA would have contacted us for facts about what we do before including me and The Healthy Mummy in this piece.

“The mums health and wellbeing is at the TOP of my priorities and always will be and we continue to evolve the business based on the wants and needs of mums who give us feedback as we are a true CUSTOMER focused business and always will be.”

Fans Support Healthy Mummy Program

Rhian’s Facebook post received hundreds of comments of support from her followers including:

“This is so sad to hear that you have to defend this amazing business you have built for all of us.”

“Wouldn’t of believed a word of it anyway!!Ive already recommended my friend to HM and she’s just signed up!!I have every faith in all your doing with your wonderful team!”

“Screw them, I’m a mother of a 3 and a 1 year old and I’m down 14 kilos since the beginning of the year with your fitness videos and menu planning options. I’m feeling happier and healthier and know that with healthy mummy’s support I will hit my goal weight.”

“I’ve just been on The ACA Facebook page and it’s so amazing to see hundreds of comments defending this fantastic program.”

“So disappointing, ACA needs to get their facts straight. So many of us mums can vouch for your program Rhian. It has helped so many of us including myself.”

Members of The Healthy Mummy also jumped on the ACA Facebook page to let them know a few true facts.

One comment read, “Wrong !!! ACA . The owner and creator of the healthy mummy employs a number of fitness and nutrition experts who create amazing meals and exercises. She does not create them herself. There are thousands of people who support this program and not all of them have memberships. ”


“Omg!!! How about you get the right facts. Heathy Mummy has no celebrity endorsement! Its all everyday real mums!!!! “, said another.

“Did you run out of storyline’s last night ACA? The Healthy Mummy was designed by a MUM for other MUMS! There is an entire team of qualified professionals that work behind the scenes.”

Have you ever used the Healthy Mummy or a similar diet? Has it worked for you? Tell us in the comments below.

Read more:

Image via The Healthy Mummy Facebook

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  • Totally agree! Just because a celebrity tells me it’s fabulous and it works, doesn’t mean it’s true because they’re being paid to say it


  • I would always take what ACA says with a grain of salt. At the end of the day they are ambulance chasers and looking to make something a sensation.


  • Typical media. Often articles are incorrect. Even titles or introductions are misleading.
    I know of blatant lies reported in a newspaper. In one case it happened a long time ago. The person concerned didn’t have the financial means or knowledge of how to take legal action. You can’t comment on a subject that isn’t even mentioned in an interview.


  • I stopped watching ACA about 218 months ago as they don’t seem to have the same integrity as they once had. So sorry for this programme, HM, and hope you don’t suffer because of the ACA report.


  • It is getting harder to believe what is on the news. I have used this program and yes did lose some weight but it was a medical problem that stopped me using it. I still use some of the recipes in my day to day life.


  • sigh sigh! given up the media now!


  • Media is hogwash; rupert murdoch. Look at Google it censors searches. Look at search engine ecosia they dont remove natural healing products etc. I commend this woman for trying! Leave her alone.


  • I dont watch this show, but if the diets are working for people, then who cares!


  • I started reffering to ACA as A current Whinge, it is all they seem to do, certainly don’t have the same punch as they did years ago


  • Haven’t used it but as most would do I would initially check out the site to make sure of qualifications ……something ACA obviously didn’t do.


  • Makes one wonder how much of A Current Affair is true… I’ve given up on this show.


  • I’d never heard of this diet but, as usual, the media gets it wrong. Hopefully they apologise on air and to you personally.


  • I have never used this diet but these shows should be doing their due diligence and if she’s hiring professionals her qualifications aren’t relevant.


  • The only diet that has ever worked for me is the Scarsdale diet.


  • Terrible when the reputation of a company is attacked in this terrible way!


  • People who believe wjat they see on ACA aren’t going to buy anyway.


  • I didn’t even realise people still watched ACA


  • I didn’t follow her or anyone elses diet, but believe her diet lifestyle advices aren’t the worsed and she has good intentions.


  • ACA is not on my viewing list!


  • ACA destroying innocent companies again


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