

Two women are feuding after a battle about breastmilk, with one banning her sister-in-law from babysitting her own niece.

One of the women has asked for advice, unsure if she’s done the wrong thing by not allowing her sister to look after her child without supervision.

“I have a seven-year-old daughter, Rose, who is prone to ear infections, one of the women explained.

“She had a double ear infection recently and couldn’t go to school on Friday because she had a low grade fever. I had to go to work and couldn’t get a babysitter so my sister-in-law offered to keep her for me.

“Everything seemed to go well until I picked Rose up and my SIL told me she had put breastmilk (she has a 12 week old) in Rose’s ears to help with the ear infection. She even offered to send some home in a dropper bottle so I can keep giving it to her.

“She claims it’s a great remedy and that Rose was already starting to feel better.”

But the breastmilk cure infuriated the mum.

“I couldn’t believe that she did this to my child without asking. I yelled at her for it, we argued, and I told her she will no longer be able to babysit/be around Rose unsupervised.

“Now Rose is upset that she can’t go to her auntie’s house anymore and my brother called me to say that I upset his wife, she was just trying to help, and that I overreacted.

“This is a woman putting her bodily fluids in my child’s ear. I think I have a right to be upset. It seems that everyone is against me on this so I wanted to know if I was the a**hole for banning her from babysitting or being near Rose unsupervised.”

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  • She should have asked you first, it wasn’t her choice to make without consulting you first


  • That was inappropriate, she should have asked you. Hopefully in time the friendship will mend.


  • I don’t see the issue – you both are blood related so share genes…
    Yes, it would have been courtesy to ask but it’s nothing to lose a relationship over.


  • I understand how you feel but your SIL was just trying to help. Yes she went about it the wrong way, she should have asked your opinion first but there’s no need to ban her from seeing her niece. I think you need to sit down with her and explain why you went off like you did. I’m hoping this incident isn’t going to harm the relationship you have with your brother and SIL. I would have thought getting water in her ears is worse


  • You are the a**hole! Get a grip!! And do some reading – breast milk IS a super cure for many things, and she obviously loves your daughter like her own daughter! You can always say “please don’t do that next time” and move on, not banning your child from a caring and positive relationship with a family member!


  • What a storm in a tea cup! Talk about OTT.

    I understand getting upset when something awful has been to a child, but this really is trivial and may have helped as well.

    Surely two adults can talk things over without get their knockers in a knot.

    I also feel it was wrong for the sister to ask the mum with a young baby to babysit her daughter when she could have had any disease and be putting the baby at risk of catching an infection.

    It looks to me as if it was a one way street here with no thought of the other person at all. Just I have to work, so can you mind my child who is running a temperature and can’t go to school.

    Not very nice.


  • Gee. Boundaries please. Why do people think they can do what they want to other people’s children? This could have been handled better on both sides and hopefully they can come to a ceasefire at some point in time. Perhaps you do you with your children, and let others do them with their children.


  • Life is too short to worry over silly issues and getting upset.


  • The argument isnt whether it is healing or not, i believe it is. Its the courtesy of having asked first before doing something to her daughter. So i understand why shes upset.


  • She wasn’t giving it to her to drink, I really don’t see the issue. It’s a little unorthodox, but breast milk has been proven to be effective in helping many ailments. She’s also within the family I.e. not a stranger.


  • Breastmilk is healing but i wouldn’t advise putting it in an ear, she should have contacted you first, I probably wouldn’t ban her but I would have having a very firm conversation with her about boundaries


  • I was advised by a midwife to put my breastmilk into my baby’s eye to clear up a blocked duct & it worked. I agree breast milk is very healing. My sister in law had the same problem with her child & she refused to do the breastmilk trick & her baby had to go through a medical procedure to correct it. I truly believe in the many benefits of breast milk for healing applications.


  • I’m wondering why the unwell child is being left with the SIL, who has a very young baby? The ear infection alone may not be contagious, but as she has a fever, I’m guessing she had a virus and could pass illness onto the littler one.


  • Breast milk is one of the best remedies for sooo many things. The mother does have a right to be upset. However, All she had to say is I would of preferred that you ask me first. I think she’s gone over the top saying the aunty can’t baby sit.


  • That’s not right, it’s not her child, she should’ve asked first


  • you do have the right to be upset, she should have asked permission. I feel you should discuss this with her and set boundaries so your daughter can go over there and keep everyone happy.


  • Boundaries should never ever be crossed and this is crossing the line.


  • I felt the consensus on the original AITA was fair, that the mum has the right to be angry but going all scorched earth is a bit too far. Also that using the term bodily fluids is a bit odd. While it’s technically accurate, it’s also a food source and not what you usually associate with the term. But she was probably worked up when writing the play by play. Overall, ESH. (Everyone sucks here)


  • I think it’s pretty fair to be upset by this.

    • I agree; no one is entitled to parent another persons child and to cross the line.


  • I believe the reaction from the mum was a little too much. The SIL probably wasn’t thinking and didn’t think it would be an issue. People learn from mistakes so the mother could have just said please don’t do that again rather than over reacting.


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