

The search for the little boy in the Spiderman suit will today return to where the mystery first began in 2014.

Since William Tyrell’s 2014 disappearance, there has been no trace of the then three-year-old, but police are hoping to change that with a new operation announced yesterday.

An extensive, large-scale forensic search will begin today in Kendall on the NSW mid north-coast where William went missing from his foster grandmother’s front yard.

It is unclear what triggered the new search.

The ABC reports that police are not expecting a major breakthrough or a body.

Instead, police indicated the difference between this search and the initial search when William disappeared is a mindset.

“The initial search, while extensive, was focused only on finding William — a little boy who was lost — and not with a view of deliberate human intervention,” police said in a statement.

The four week investigation will take a different view with hopes of finding something they may have previously missed.

His foster family have never given up hope of finding William, and on Wednesday morning posted a message to social media.

“Today marks 1370 heartbreaking days since William disappeared. William’s loved ones are, and will forever be indebted to the tremendous ongoing commitment of NSW Police; in particular, Strike Force Rosann who have been absolutely relentless in their ongoing investigation in the search for William. Since that tragic day on Friday 12 September 2014, hearts across Australia have been broken, but we have and will continue to maintain unwavering faith in NSW Police and carry hope in our hearts that William will be found. He is in our hearts always… Always…”

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  • Amazing how long it took to get some real answers with this case


  • I’m hoping that he is still alive somewhere out there. It’s good to know that no-one has given up on finding him.


  • So hope and pray for some development in this case !


  • This is agonising for anyone who cares about children. Especially his family.


  • I was a little heartened when I first heard there was some development. I think all of Australia is invested in finding some answers, for some resolution, for some closure. Nobody wants to imagine that a child can just go missing, a case never to be solved.


  • Poor little thing, I hope they can finally find something so that things can truly be put to rest.


  • oh I do hope the come across something that was missed – fingers crossed for something positive to come out of this new investigation


  • Heart breaks. Can’t imagine this feeling being a mum myself


  • Do hope an outcome will come from this new search – heartbreaking to still be wondering 4 years later.


  • There has been so much been left out of the story, how William was taken from his parents and put in foster care when there was no need and poor William had to miss his father who he was extremely close to and sadly his father has since become a drug addict and is in mental anguish, he had never touched drugs before William was taken. DHS has not done the right thing by this family from the beginning and sadly William is the one who has suffered the most (we presume) and his biological parents who have been mostly kept out of the story. It is all on the internet for those interested to read. I hope the family (biological) can get some closure soon.


  • I hope & pray that William is found alive and well. It will give closure to his family & loved ones & all of us who’ve wanted him found for so long. If anyone knows anything please contact the police.


  • I saw this on the news. They certainly are going over this area with a fine tooth comb. I hope they find something. This family needs to know where their little boy is.


  • My hopes that he will be found alive are flickering. But I do pray for answers soon.


  • Almost four years… I hope one day he will be found alive. Little one.


  • So sad for his family!


  • I saw this on the news.hopefully the family can have closure.


  • Still looking after all this time. The poor family must be suffering so much. I hope answers are found soon


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