
A mum-to-be has blasted a restaurant for removing an ingredient from a dish without asking her, because she’s pregnant.

Brittany Terenowski, 31, shared her story on social media, with the West Australian expecting mum explaining that she ordered a simple side dish while out for dinner.

“I am 23 weeks pregnant,” she said in a TikTok video. “I went out to dinner to an Italian restaurant with my sister last Friday night … I ordered a side of these chips that came with crispy prosciutto on top. So the chips came out and there was no prosciutto.”

@brittany.terenowski Pls don’t do this ???? #fyp #pregnanttiktok #pregnancylife #notok ♬ original sound – brittany.terenowski

Brittany says she asked the waiter politely if the chips were meant to come with crispy prosciutto.

“This young male waiter goes ‘yes usually they do but we made a change because’ – and he rubbed his belly and looked at me,” Brittany explained. “So we decided that you shouldn’t eat that and we just took it off the item that you ordered without telling you, asking you, discussing anything with you.

“And I was like, oh. Weird, young 20 something year-old male telling me, 31-year-old pregnant woman what I can and can’t eat and just removing things from my dish without consulting with me. Like what the hell!”

“I was instantly like this is a bit messed up and my sister was like yeah this is not right at all.”

Brittany says she wants to know if others thing it’s also ‘messed up’ or whether she is just taking it the wrong way.


“I have been speaking to my OBG and my doctor about what is safe to eat, what is not safe to eat. And the data behind it and making safe choices with those professionals, who are professionally qualified to do so And yeah, I’ve been eating prosciutto and cheese and poached eggs because it’s actually fine.

“I didn’t let it get to me at the time, but then when I was driving home … I thought about it and I was like, that is really messed up. If you’re in the hospitality industry, don’t just assume that a pregnant woman can’t eat something and remove it from her dish and remove it without asking her and talking to her about it. Don’t make that decision for her. You’re not qualified to make those choices.”

Brittany says she was also charged full price for the chip, even though they were missing the ‘expensive’ ingredient.

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  • The waiter should have checked with her first before removing anything. Also since they removed something, the price should have been halved at least. It’s like going to the pub and asking for a gin and tonic. You get charged full price and only get tonic.


  • The waiter definitely should have asked if she would prefer not to have the prosciutto as many pregnant women choose not to have it. They should not just assume.


  • The waiter should have asked instead of making that decision.


  • It’s very considerate, but could have been more so if he had not taken away your choice and control.


  • The list of foods these days for pregnant women to avoid is just insane. We didn’t have all this extra stuff on the no eat list. I’m glad it’s not just ne that thinks the lists are ridiculous


  • Gosh, why would they do that without checking with her first?


  • This is so random – what if she wasn’t pregnant!


  • “So we decided that you shouldn’t eat that and we just took it off the item that you ordered without telling you, asking you, discussing anything with you.” Did they really say that? I don’t blame Brittany for getting angry…just seems a bit weird to me.


  • They were out of line, not their decision to make.


  • Always check with the customer first. To assume something without vertification is not right. To be charged full price another not right customer service. She should have said something.


  • They should have asked her first but good on them for taking precaution as if something had happened to the baby because of it, I’m sure she would have played the blame game on them!


  • Geez, that’s very poor service. Fair enough they were trying to be thoughtful but at the end of the day, they should have asked you. And to be charged full price is a disgraceful act on top. Definitely not overreacting. I would too be disappointed. The prosciutto was cooked so where is the harm in that? And above all else, yes you may be pregnant but they shouldn’t assume as many women have bloated tummies that appear their pregnant.


  • As a consumer,.you have a right to a refund as you did not get what you ordered.
    But many of those foods are NOT safe. Convince yourself you are if you need to justify yourself, but do not teach that to others. And the staff have a right not to serve it to you so they do not have murder on their conscience. But they should have said so from the start.


  • I would not have blamed them if they’d asked her if she wanted the ingredient, but they shouldn’t have made the decision for them.


  • Wow!! Should have been a reduced price. But, how dare they!! Seriously, they had no business doing that.

    • exactly, I think they were way out of line !


  • Bet they still charged the same price! I just wouldn’t have paid for it as it wasn’t what I ordered.


  • Was definitely the wrong thing for them to do and they definitely should have discounted the price but she should have spoken up at the time as well…


  • Well meaning, but they should have asked.


  • Definitely should have been asked before removing the ingredients. It was a bit belittling, as if this mum to be is not able to make her own choices. I would have asked to missing ingredient to be added too.


  • The restaurant should have checked with her. I would have given it back. None of the waiter’s business.

    • I agree; none of the waiters business and an adult gets to make their choices about the food they consume.


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