

Some people love to calorie count and others run a million miles from it! Although, we do not believe that strict calorie counting is necessary in order to lose weight, knowing the rough calorie values in the food and drink you consume does put you in control on what you eat.

And in particular if you pay attention to the nutrients as well as the calories in your food then you are on a sure fire winner to better health and successful weight loss.

So in light of this thinking, here are 11 low calorie foods that also pack a nutritional punch!

(The calories and kilojoules listed are all per 100g)

1. Broccoli 24 (100kJ)

Of all the cruciferous vegetables, broccoli stands out as the most concentrated source of vitamin C and vitamin A (mostly as beta-carotene) – two essential antioxidants that have been linked to a reduced risk of cataracts and heart disease.

2. Carrots 23 (96kJ)

Rich in beta-carotene (a form of vitamin A), which acts as an antioxidant to mop up harmful free radicals, helping to prevent premature aging. Raw carrots are an ideal snack .

3. Cherries 60 (251kJ)

Contain anthocyanins, antioxidants known to reduce belly fat by switching on fat-burning enzymes.

4. Egg Whites 52 (669kJ)

Egg whites are a healthy choice because they’re low in calories and high in protein and do not contain saturated fat or cholesterol . You can easily swap egg whites in any recipe that calls for whole eggs .

5. Live Natural Yoghurt 102 (427kJ)

Rich in bone-strengthening calcium and a delicious substitute for mayonnaise, creams and dressings, as well as a great choice for desserts and snacks . Aim for reduced-fat varieties.

6. Lemons 23 (96kJ)

Rich in vitamin C. Not only is vitamin C good for warding off the sniffles, it’s also a prime skin-care ingredient, which smoothes out wrinkles by stimulating the production of collagen.

7. Lentils 91 (381kJ)

A quick and easy source of protein and vitamins, and far less fatty than red meat .

8. Mandarins 40 (168kJ)

Very rich in vitamin C. Two small mandarins will supply 35% of the daily recommended intake of Vitamin C .

9. Oats 114/30g (477kJ)

Contain beta-glucan (a type of fibre), which has cholesterol-lowering benefits and keeps hunger pangs at bay

10. Reduced Fat Cottage Cheese 90 (380kJ)

Low in fat but still contains the calcium and protein found in more fatty varieties of cheese.

11. White Fish 84 (351kJ)

A nutrient powerhouse, white fish is a lean source of protein, low GI carbohydrates and both types of fibres (soluble and insoluble).

For more useful information on healthy calorie choices, see the newly released 180 Page Healthy Calorie Bible which is the ultimate guide to choosing the healthiest calories and is handbag sized.


The book is available at a price of $19.95 and you can preview and order your copy here. This article was written by Rhian Allen, the Owner & Founder of The Healthy Mummy.
  • A great list with lots of tasty foods.


  • I haven’t bought cherries for years.


  • Bring on the carrots and broccoli!


  • Good to know oats are low in calories, and keep you full for longer.


  • Some good info thanks


  • This is great information if your personally counting your calories.


  • I never realised that cherries were low in calories, yay bring on summer


  • This is great info if your calorie counting


  • I am so glad to see some of my favourites listed :)


  • I’ve never actually learnt to calorie count! It’s just all too difficult!


  • I already eat most of these, my big issue is removing the bad stuff


  • a great list of low cal foods


  • Great advice


  • Oats are also low GI which means you digest them slowly and you don’t have sugar highs and lows. If you ad chopped pear or apple to it you don’t need to add sugar at all.


  • a great list of foods that are low in calories


  • Great article, it’s great to know that I already have a lot of those foods in my regular diet!


  • some great tasting foods listed here – glad they are low cal


  • Thanks for the list. I actually eat a lot of these.


  • Happy to see cherries there as I love them


  • Interesting to read, very helpful – thanks for sharing


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