
  • Serves 3
  • 15 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 4 Ingredients


Ingredients (serves 3)

  • 300gm Frozen peas
  • 3 slices Vintage cheese
  • 4 cloves Garlic
  • 1 large Brown onion


  1. Simmer all ingredients except cheese in a pot with a 1/4 cup water. Make sure the heat is as low as possible so you don't burnt them.
  2. Blend with a handblender after the peas are cooked.
  3. Add in the cheese and stir with a spoon. The cheese will melt from the heat in the peas.
  4. Add pepper if you like! Serve with fish sticks or meat pies!


Yes! Cheese was the secret ingredient to make this pea mash creamy and rich without cream or butter or any added oil!

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