
  • Serves 4
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 7 Ingredients


Quick and easy to prepare, freezes really well too. Leftovers taste good cold or hot.

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 6-8 Sausages cooked and cut into pieces
  • 3 cups mived veggies - onion carrot zuccini mushroom pumpkin sweet potato (don't use potatoes)
  • 1 Jar Pasta sauce (home made or shop bought)
  • 2 Cups Beef Stock
  • Pinch of each thyme and rosemary
  • 2 Tablespoons Tomato Paste
  • 2 Tablespoons Corn flour


  1. Dice all veggies (not too small) Toss into slow cooker with cut up sausages
  2. Pour pasta sauce into cooker. Mix herbs and tomato paste into stock, and pour on top. Give it all a bit of a stir to mix it in
  3. Cook on low for 4-6 hours (I once left it for about 7 hours and it was fine) Halfway through cooking, mix cornflour into a paste with cold water. Before adding to mix spoon some heated liquid into the paste and stir, then tip the lot into the slow cooker and mix in. Alternativly throw a cup of rice in to thicken the mix.
  4. Serve with mashed potatoes (I mix cheese into it too)


One day I had all veggies etc prepared, went to chop up some chuck steak and it was off. I threw in sausages and crossed my fingers - hence the name. You can also add a few spoons of sourcream just before serving to lighten the flavour a little. Or can use chuck steak, diced beef, pretty much any meat!

  • Sounds like a great way to get my kids to eat more vegetables…


  • I love that this recipe comes with a story!


  • love the name and story behind this!


  • I love the word ‘accidental’ in the name lol. Thats most of my kitchen repertoire


  • A delicious sounding recipe!


  • Looks good, I think I will give this a go but fry up the sausages a bit first to get a caramel flavour


  • Mmm this looks soooo good! Thanks for sharing!


  • I would prefer grilled sausages over slow cooked or barbeques really only way


  • Yes this is intereting


  • Looks like a tasty meal, thanks for sharing.


  • I love how this is called Accidental! My slow cooker is my best friend and I imagine I could make this meal any day of the week with a mix of stuff in the bottom of my fridge. A fantastic idea and one I’m definitely going to take on board.


  • I love to use my slowcooker, so convenient to prepare something in the morning and have it ready at night !


  • I make a very similar sausage dish in my slow cooker and love the flavours.


  • Love the idea of this, think rice will be easiest for me.


  • Great recipe for winter – will be using this often.


  • oh yum, this sounds awesome!!


  • A hearty Winter recipe that l know we will love! Thanks.


  • funny story – recipe sounds like a winner!


  • cool thanks mums


  • Great recipe, thanks so much for sharing it!


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