
  • Serves 4
  • 40 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 5 Ingredients


This recipe is a nice change to have as a vegie with the evening meal

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 2 med Zucchini
  • 2 cloves garlic, peeled , sliced thinly
  • olive oil
  • salt and pepper
  • chilli powder ( optional)


  1. Cut Eggplant in halves lengthways. Make small slits into the flesh and poke the garlic slices into the slits
  2. Brush with olive oil and season with salt , pepper and chilli powder if using
  3. Place on paper lined oven tray and bake at 180 deg. for 30-35 minutes


So easy and delicious. The eggplant goes quite creamy and is super tasty We have also scooped the flesh out , mixed it with feta cheese and made a dip out of it !

  • I’ve never loved eggplant but this might be a nice way to try again.


  • I’m sure this is great with a side if rice or dip thanks for sharing I dont usually eat eggplant like this but looks tempting


  • This sounds good, I’ve never used it by itself.


  • I really only eat eggplant in dip but I now want to cook it for making this recipe looks great!


  • I’ve never had eggplant, well not since mums vegetarian lasagne as a kid. I want to make moussaka, but need to see if I like eggplant first


  • A delicious side dish that would be great with a variety of foods!


  • Yes I had to check the title again as was wondering if I read it wrong. Will make a great side dish.


  • I was confused at first with zucchini being in the recipe – then realised that is should be eggplant. :) This eggplant recipe looks good – I do love egg plant and don’t think it is used enough in a lot of recipe. Thanks for your recipe.

    • Oops ! Sorry! Yes that would have been confusing… but maybe zucchini might work the same ? I’ll try it ! Cheers


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