
  • Serves 2
  • 20 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 8 Ingredients


Elevate your Summer salads with this light and colourful beetroot and rocket salad.

Whether you’re after a flavour-packed lunch or a colourful plate to bring to a dinner party, this salad is an elevated take on classic flavour pairings.

This is one to delight the entire palette, with a touch of salty feta, deliciously sweet beetroot, and a generous drizzle of Paul Newman’s Own Balsamic Dressing, throwing together a delicious salad has never been easier!

Paul Newman’s Own makes great tasting products using high quality ingredients. Sporting new look packaging, Paul Newman’s Own products are manufactured in Australia, and 2023 marks the 40th anniversary of the product being sold in Australia.

Paul Newmans Own Salad Dressings

What we love about Paul Newman’s Own is that they make Radically Good Food and Do Radically Good by giving away 100% of their Profits.

The Newman’s Own Foundation nourishes and transforms the lives of children who face adversity, with 100% of Profits used to Help Kids. This year they are helping Aussie kids who face serious illness experience the fun and freedom of camp.

You can purchase Paul Newman’s Own at WoolworthsColes and selected independent retailers.

Ingredients (serves 2)

  • 60g baby rocket
  • 10g dill, chopped
  • 500g beetroot, cooked
  • 120g feta, crumbled
  • 1/4 cup walnuts
  • 1 mall red onion, sliced
  • 120mL Paul Newman's Own Balsamic dressing
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Start by adding the sliced beetroot, sliced red onion, chopped dill and salt and pepper to a bowl.
  2. Drizzle about 120 mls of the Paul Newman's Own Balsamic Dressing over the ingredients in the bowl.
  3. Give the ingredients a quick toss to coat them evenly with the dressing, and set the bowl aside while you prepare the serving plate.
  4. Take a serving plate and place the baby rocket at the base of the plate to create a bed of greens.
  5. Once the bed of baby rocket is ready, add the beetroot mix on top of the greens.
  6. Finish off your salad by sprinkling some walnuts and crumbled feta on top. Season with salt and pepper to taste and enjoy.

  • Love this salad as a light lunch on its own or as a side salad with some protein. Goes well with fish chicken or a burger. Great dish when my bestie comes over as it’s gluten free too.


  • I have been on a search for a new salad recipe to add into the rotation, this looks amazing and I will DEFINITELY be giving it a go!


  • beetroot is my fav. this is super to try


  • This sounds great – we love beetroot!


  • My husband would love this salad without the walnuts.


  • So healthy and delicious. I would have to be careful with the beetroot but it sounds so yum!


  • I would substitute the nuts for pepitas as I’m allergic but otherwise yum!


  • Yum, this sounds delicious! I made something similar at Christmas but mine didn’t have walnuts. Walnuts would add a delicious crunch and subtle flavour.


  • I love this. What a nice mix! I will have to make it


  • Looks great! I’m going to try this for sure!


  • What a great recipe. Thanks for sharing


  • Love betroot, walnuts and feta cheese. This recipe is a winner for me.


  • Yum, yum, yummie without the dressing for me !


  • I love a salad with beetroot. I would also add baked butternut pumpkin pieces for a bit of sweetness.


  • I hate beetroot but this looks great to serve to guests.


  • I make this salad all the time so easy but so full of flavour


  • Oh yum! I love beetroot. Need to give this easy recipe a try for sure


  • This sounds absolutely phenomenal ????


  • Yum, looks delicious! I am loving everything beetroot at the moment.


  • Have not tried this dressing looking forward to this combination


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