
  • Makes 12
  • 10 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 12 Ingredients


A delicious easy snack to whip up! The kids will love these blueberry and vanilla pikelets!

Ingredients (makes 12 Pikelets)

  • 1 punnet fresh blueberries (frozen blueberries can also be used)
  • 1 cup self-raising flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon bi-carb soda
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla bean paste
  • 1 egg
  • 1/3 teaspoon vinegar (brown or white can be used)
  • 2/3 cup full cream milk
  • 50g butter
  • Icing sugar to serve
  • Golden syrup to serve


  1. Sift flour and bi-carb into large bowl. Add sugar, salt and cinnamon.
  2. In another bowl, whisk together the egg, milk, vanilla and vinegar.
  3. combine the wet and dry ingredients. While whisking, gradually add the milk mix to the flour and stir until it just comes together.
  4. Heat a large non stick pan on a medium heat and add a small amount of butter so it melts and covers the pan.
  5. Using a large dessert spoon, add the pikelet mix to the pan. Top with 3 blueberries and cook the pikelets until you can see bubbles appear and then flip and cook on the other side for 30 seconds.
  6. Transfer to a plate and continue to cook pikelets adding more butter to the pan as you go.
  7. To serve, stack the pikelets and sprinkle over the icing sugar and fresh blueberries. Drizzle over golden syrup.

  • Pikelets are such a treat in the lunchbox!


  • These look fantastic. We have pancakes/pikelets every Saturday so I might give these a go next :) Thank you.


  • Your piklets look perfect,l wish mine came out that way!


  • I have recently started making pikelets again for the kids so I might test out the addition of blueberries in them soon.


  • The best type of breakfast ????


  • The best type of breakfast ????


  • Yum, yum Blueberry and Vanilla Pikelets. I will have to make some of these on the weekend.


  • A delicious breakfast treat!


  • I am curious to try this, it is certainly a different recipe. I am assuming the vinegar is meant to have the same effect as adding vinegar to milk to create a buttermilk alternative.


  • What a perfect breakfast alternative


  • My daughter would love these


  • Wow dont these look amazing love pikelets and this recipe has unique ingredients that sound lovely


  • Beautiful recipe. Can’t wait to try it. Thanks.


  • Oh! I could one right now. They look beautiful and delicious!!


  • These look amazing and we love blueberry, thanks for sharing!.


  • The picture is so yummy looking and can not wait until I can cook this.


  • My 1 yo grandsons favourite fruit ATM is blueberries. I’ll be making him some of these for him next time he visits


  • A stack of pikelets is a very welcome afternoon treat. Blueberries make this recipe even better.

    • I love to dust my pikelets with icing sugar too – they just complete a stack of pikelets.


  • They look very tasty. Will certainly be trying your recipe. Thanks.


  • Oh my god! Delicious!! Thanks for sharing!!


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