
  • Serves 6
  • 20 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 9 Ingredients


I usually add extra noodles and nuts for a bit more crunch, also you can get away with 2 larger shallots.

Ingredients (serves 6)

  • 6 Chopped shallots
  • 2-3 Mix of Bok Choy, Wom bok, or baby varieties
  • 1 Packet Onion Flavoured Fried Noodles
  • Half cup Castor Sugar
  • Quarter cup White Vinegar
  • 1 Tablespoon Soy Sauce
  • Half cup Olive Oil
  • 2 Teaspoons Sesame Oil
  • 100 grams Toasted Pine Nuts


  1. Shred Bok choy, chop shallots and combine
  2. For Dressing combine all other ingredients, except noodles and pine nuts
  3. At the last minute before serving, pour over dressing, and mox through pine nuts and noodles.


Family favourite for years at BBQs

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