

This delcious low fat carrot cake recipe is perfect with a nice cup of tea.

Makes 12 slices.

Carrot cake recipe from Symply Too Good To Be True Book 1  


  • 2 egg whites
  • ⅓ cup sugar
  • ½ cup apple sauce (in jar)
  • ⅓ cup sultanas
  • 1 cup carrot grated
  • ¼ cup walnuts chopped
  • 1 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 2 teaspoons lemon rind grated
  • ¾ teaspoon bicarb soda
  • ¼ cup warm water
  • 1½ cups self-raising flour
  • cooking spray

Icing (optional)

  • ¾ cup icing sugar
  • 1 teaspoon (5g) Flora Light® margarine
  • 1-2 tablespoons lemon juice


Preheat oven 180 C fan forced. Beat egg whites and sugar together in medium size mixing bowl for 1 minute. Stir in apple sauce, sultanas, carrots, walnuts, ginger and rind to egg mix, dissolve bicarb in warm water, add to mix. Gently fold flour into mixture in one go. DO NOT BEAT as this will make the cake tough. Once flour is combined (mixture can look a little lumpy) pour into a 19cm (8˝) round tin or loaf tin that has been coated with cooking spray. Bake 35-40 minutes or until cake springs back when lightly pressed in centre. Let cake stand for 5 minutes before turning onto cake rack.

To make icing: Mix icing sugar and margarine in a small mixing bowl, slowly add enough juice to make a spreadable consistency. Spread over top of cake. Sprinkle grated lemon rind or a little cinnamon over icing for decoration (optional).

Nutritional Information
PER SERVE                             PLAIN                         ICED
FAT            TOTAL                  1.7g                             1.9g
                   SATURATED        0.1g                             0.2g
FIBRE                                       1.4g                             1.4g
PROTEIN                                  2.9g                             2.9g
CARBS                                     24.2g                           32.9g
SUGAR                                    11.6g                           20.1g
SODIUM                                 185mg                         187mg
KILOJOULES                        517 (cals 123)            663 (cals 158)
GI RATING                           Medium                       Medium


  • I make the most awesome carrot cake. Its not super healthy but it sure is yummy :)


  • Yummo!
    Carrot cake is my ultimate fave cake next to Profiterole cakes lol.
    I always savour the icing until last as it’s definitely my fave bit. Who would have thought veggies in a cake could taste so good?!
    Thank you for sharing.


  • A carrot cake recipe without oil. Fantastic!


  • loving the lots of nuts!


  • This cake is a healthier option to most but still has a little more sugar than I had hoped ..looks delicious though and I really appreciate the nutritional panel. thanx heaps.


  • Yum, I just love a carrot cake but have only ever eaten bought or packet made versions. This sounds delish. I’ve always been wary of carrot cake being a higher calorie option, so appreciate the nutrition table. The frosting isn’t necessarily needed!


  • Thanks for the lovely recipe and the nutrition break down.
    That is really helpful.


  • this sounds amazing I have 2 egg whites Ineed to use I will bake this tomorrow


  • Love carrot cake,so delicious and healthy.


  • This has got to be the most healthiest carrot cake recipe I have seen!. Put the icing on very thin and you have cut out more calories!


  • Loving the apple sauce in this- thanks :)


  • Oh my this looks tasty and love that it is healthier than the normal version. Great recipe thanks for sharing!


  • Very nice. Thank you for that.


  • Love this healthy carrot cake.


  • Thanks for sharing this interesting looking recipe; it looks good. Will give it a go.


  • loving the addtion of apple sauce


  • yum, thanks for sharing


  • Yummo, always good to have an alternate carrot cake recipe.


  • How I love carrot cake yummm.


  • My absolute favourite cake, especially with cream cheese frosting. Will try this recipe, have never thought to add apple sauce, would make it moister


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