
  • Makes 6
  • 30 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 9 Ingredients
October 23, 2018


Make it a spooktacular Halloween with these delicious monster burgers. The kids will go all-zombie over them. These burgers are the perfect fuel for a trick or treat around the streets.

Ingredients (makes 6 Charcoal Turkey Burger Monsters)

  • 6 Charcoal Brioche Buns
  • 6 Ingham's Summer Turkey Burgers (or Rissoles if you have smaller buns)
  • 1/4 bunch Rocket or Baby Spinach
  • 2 Tomatoes
  • 6 Cheese Slices
  • 3 tbsp Tomato Sauce
  • 2 tbsp Honey
  • 2 tbsp Tamari (or Dark Soy Sauce)
  • 1 tbsp Olive Oil


  1. Make a marinade of the honey, tamarind and olive oil and soak the Ingham's Turkey Burgers or Rissoles for a minimum of 15 minutes.
  2. Slice the Charcoal Buns in half, slice the tomatoes into rounds and create your Cheese 'teeth' but trimming the cheese slice.
  3. Ideally cook your burgers on the barbecue (because you're aiming for burgers as black as you can - just don't burn them). Alternatively pan fry or you can grill.
  4. Cover the burgers in foil for 5 minutes after cooking to rest.
  5. Assemble as per our photo - a small squirt of tomato sauce on the bottom bun, the rocket or spinach, then the burger or rissole, then a slice of tomato, lots of sauce and then the top half of the bun.
  6. Arrange on a plate and serve with other fun Halloween decorations or treats.

  • I have never come across these buns.


  • Love these! I know its not Halloween any more but I’m going to make them anyway!


  • These are so cool and creative!


  • These look very scary. I don’t know if I could eat it!!


  • They look great ! Maybe I should have make them for the trick and treaters who came at the door :)


  • Wow. These burgers look fantastic. Some people have such great ideas.


  • Very clever way to get the kids to eat something wholesome before trick or treating – thanks for sharing.


  • These look awesome but where do you even buy charcoal brioche buns from?!


  • These look amazing. I have never seen charcoal brioche before.


  • Ok this is AMAZING!!!!!! Thanks for the inspo


  • You know, I’ve always wondered what to do with those charcoal burgers


  • These look so good!


  • I would make these at any time of the year they are such a cool fun idea


  • Cute but weird eating a black burger bun


  • Ohhh a whole new world of inspiration here. Love it.


  • These do look interesting and sound easy to make


  • Haha these look cool. I love brioche buns but there is something about them being brown that doesn’t look quite right to me!


  • It certainly does look very creative.


  • Ooh, the charcoal buns are interesting. I’ve never tried them before. They do provide great effect though.


  • These would definitely tempt my grandkids .They look colourful, fun and tasty.


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