
  • Serves 8
  • 40 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 10 Ingredients


Cheesy Tuna Pasta Bake ticks so many boxes … don’t you think?

Whether it’s a busy weeknight and you need dinner on the table in a half hour, you’re wanting to get the kids to start helping with cooking dinner or you need a really easy and yet substantial side dish when you’re feeding a crowd, a big Cheesy Tuna Pasta Bake is always a winner.

We love that this recipe is literally a ‘throw everything together’ recipe.  Then while it’s bubbling away in the oven, you can sort something else out (or have a wine)!

We adore Sirena Tuna in Olive Oil for this recipe – we use the large tin but you could get away with the smaller tin if you wanted to save a few dollars (or your family don’t like to double down on tuna).

So … hands up who needs a fresh take on their Pasta Bakes! This one is sure to please.

Ingredients (serves 8)

  • 1 packet Pasta Shells, cooked until just al dente
  • 400g Tin Tuna (any brand is fine but Sirena Tuna in Oil is our favourite for this recipe)
  • 2 cups Baby Spinach Leaves
  • 1 small Brown Onion, finely diced
  • 600ml Thickened Cream
  • 1 tbsp Dijon Mustard
  • 1 tsp Sea Salt
  • 1 tsp Finely ground pepper
  • 2 tsp Cornflour
  • 2 cups Mozarella Cheese, shredded or grated


  1. Combine the onion, cream, mustard, salt, pepper and cornflour in the bottom of a large mixing bowl and mix thoroughly to distribute ingredients and remove any lumps of cornflour.
  2. Add the pasta shells, the tuna (drain about half the oil away) and the baby spinach and mix thoroughly.
  3. Pour the mix into a large ovenproof baking dish and then sprinkle with the mozarella cheese.
  4. Bake for 30 - 40 minutes until everything is hot through and the cheese is beautifully melted.

Cheesy Tuna Pasta Bake at the top of your list because everyone loves tuna?

Here's a few more TUNA recipes you might like to try ...
  • Love Tuna bakes! Never thought to add mustard before. I’ll have to try it next time.


  • I just cant handle warm tuna. Tinned tuna on a sandwich is fine


  • Looks great for a winter dinner.


  • Sounds just too easy. Thanks for sharing.


  • Yum, my family weren’t a fan of tuna but love my tuna pasta bake!


  • I’m not a fan of tuna but my family would like this.


  • I’ve never been able to stomach canned tuna.


  • This brings me back to my teens my friends mum used to make it all the time! I might need to give it a go for the nostalgia alone!


  • My family loves tuna but I just can’t really do canned fish- too strong a taste for me.


  • I haven’t had this since I was a child. Was one of my faves. Will have to make some, even though hubby doesn’t eat tuna (tough luck for him haha)!


  • YUM, I think I’ll make this for dinner tonight :)


  • I haven’t made this in a while and it is a family favourite. I will definitely take a couple of ingredients from this one to add to mine to up the ante!


  • I haven’t made a tuna bake in a long time. Just need to get cream and dijon mustard and we’ll give this recipe a try.


  • Wonder if my kids would eat this…


  • Yum I love a good pasta bake. Tuna bake is awesome recipe sounds great. Add some pinches off chili if you like spicy food!


  • Looks incredibly tasty, my kids would love it.


  • Tuna pasta bake is always a favourite in my house and this recipe looks yum!


  • I will be trying this now that it is getting colder. So pleased to see I can quarter the amounts required in the recipe so I can make a really small one for a single person and give them to my wonderful neighbours.


  • thanks for sharing – look for a good weeknight easy meal


  • I can’t believe this. I was wondering what to cook for the weekend and I’ve got all of these ingredients in my cupboard and fridge. Thank you for saving me time.


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