
  • Serves 5
  • Makes 10
  • 45 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 8 Ingredients


This recipe is a one pot wonder . It's full of flavour and good for you. It last my family 2 nightd

Ingredients (serves 5 | makes 10 )

  • 1 onion Cut into 8s
  • 1 red capsicum Finely sliced
  • 1-2 chorizo Thickly sliced
  • 500g chicken breast Sliced
  • 1 can Of butter beans drained and washef
  • 1 can Of Italian diced tomatoes
  • 1 packet Of Maggi chicken chasseur
  • A spash Of cooking oil in a pan


  1. Cook chicken until coloured. Add onions and chorizo and cook for approx 3minutes
  2. Mix the Maggi mix with water as per instructions and add to the chicken. Add the can of tomatoes and bring to a boil. Once boil reduced to simmer
  3. Add capsicum and beans and simmer for approx 30 minutes or until chicken is cooked through Enjoy with rice or pasta of your choice


You can add whatever veggies you prefer. I've had it with carrots, peas mushrooms. A great hearty meal

  • I love casseroles will definitely try this


  • This sounds like a keeper, changing the veggies around could give different meals.


  • Thanks for the recipe. Must give it a go.


  • I like butter beans they’re a great ingredient thanks for sharing


  • Could easy add any Veges you have. Thanks for a lovely recipe


  • I think the hubby will definitely approve of the chorizo


  • Thanks, amazing and full of flavour.


  • I love a great meal that you can make with pantry staples – thank you for your recipe :)


  • Sounds delicious thanks for sharing your delicious recipe


  • Thanks for your chicken and chorizo casserole. I will bulk it up with vegetables because I love to eat a lot of vegetables.


  • A great one pot dish!!

    • Love one pot wonders too because they save on clean up time too. :)


  • A lovely casserole recipe we would all enjoy,thanks!


  • Chicken and chorizo go together so well. Love the added spice from the chorizo. Picturing this served with creamy garlic mashed potato


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