
  • Serves 4
  • 1.5 hours
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 18 Ingredients


A hearty ,healthy option, and so versatile.. add any veggies you want ! Leave out the chicken and chorizo for a vegetarian option

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 4 med Potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks
  • 1 piece Pumpkin , cut into chunks
  • 1 lge onion , , cut into chunky pieces
  • 1 chorizo, cut into chunky pieces
  • 6 whole garlic cloves
  • chilli flakes( if desired )
  • 1 lge Parsnip , peeled and chopped
  • 1 lge Carrot, peeled and chopped
  • handful sage leaves
  • 1 lge zucchini, chopped
  • 1 tin artichoke hearts ,Drained and quartered
  • 1 lge capsicum , chopped
  • olive oil
  • salt and pepper
  • dried oregano
  • 1/4 cup white wine
  • 1/2 bbq chicken , meat torn into pieces
  • 1 Lemon, juice


  1. Place potatoes,pumpkin,onion,chorizo,garlic,chilli,parsnip,carrot and 1/2 the sage leaves into a bowl. Drizzle with oil and season with salt and pepper
  2. Pour into a large baking dish and bake in a hot oven for 30 minutes
  3. In the same bowl as used before, place the zucchini, artichokes,capsicum,chicken and the rest of the sage leaves. Drizzle with oil and season . Pour into the baking dish.
  4. Squeeze over the lemon juice, pour in the white wine and sprinkle over the herbs . Mix together gently
  5. Bake for a further 30-45 minutes or until veggies cooked through


This is an "open the fridge and see what veggies we have " type of meal .. You can really vary the veggies you use to your taste or leave out the meat for a vegetarian option . Use as a main meal ... or leave out the chicken and use as a side with steak.

  • One pot meal. I’m done. Quick easy yummy and minimum mess. Love it


  • Love things like this. Sounds so yummy


  • A great dish, especially to use up leftover veggies!


  • Love a some well baked tasty veggies.

    • Also a great way to use leftover chook.


  • Love this medley of veggies looks too beautiful to eat hahaha


  • Hmm yummy


  • The sage would make this taste lovely!


  • This recipe is so versatile that you can easily add more vegetables such as cauliflower or leave out those which you aren’t a lover of without messing with the flavour.


  • Lovely and comforting and full of flavour.


  • A wonderfully delicious recipe idea, great for the whole family.


  • Sunday is baking day, how yummy!


  • It’s so versitile I like that you can put any veggies thanks for sharing


  • Wow looks great a roasted dish all in one yumm!!


  • Great way to serve vegetables


  • Great meal for the end of the week when you need to use any leftover veggies!


  • This looks so good.


  • Delicious looking and full of wonderful bright colored veggies sounds good


  • Perfect winter dish! Might try it in the slow cooker. I can just imagine the glorious smells filling my home while this is cooking. Mouthwatering


  • This looks amazing and so delicious.


  • I absolutely love this. It’s my kinda meal. And I love that you can add anything and/or mix and change it up easily.


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