
  • Serves 4
  • 90 minutes
  • Difficulty Medium
  • 9 Ingredients

86 Comment

A tasty alternative to a plain meat curry, maybe too spicy for children though.

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 1/2 kilo Chicken thighs diced skin removed
  • 2 Onions diced
  • 4 Garlic cloves finely chopped
  • 1 Potato peeled & diced capsicum deseeded & diced
  • 100 grams Beans top & tailed halved
  • 2-3 tablespoons Vindaloo paste
  • 1 420 gram tin Tomato puree
  • 1 cup Water
  • 2 tablespoons Good quality oil


  1. Sauté onions & garlic in good quality oil.
  2. Add chicken to onions & brown. Add curry paste & tomato purée, cook until fragrant. Add potato and stir.
  3. Add water and simmer until potatoes are tender, stirring occasionally, adding more water if need be.
  4. Add beans and capsicum, cook for another 5min.


This is a hot curry which is best served with steamed basmati rice or/& naan or roti bread. Beef, lamb or pork can be substituted for the chicken.

  • INteresting but probably too spicy for everyone in my family.


  • This looks yummy but unfortunately my kids won’t eat spicy food 🙁


  • Water at the ready!!


  • Looks great, but from experience the vindaloo curry is the hottest ive tried, too hot for me


  • Love a good curry and this looks very yummy and simple enough for a novice cook like me. Thanks for sharing!


  • Curry dishes are perfect for this cold winter weather


  • This is a delightful recipe and so wanting to give it a go. My children were brought up on this type of food, just the younger ones do not get left overs next day.

    • This is a delightful recipe and so wanting to give it a go. My children were brought up on this type of food, just the younger ones do not get left overs next day.


  • A vindaloo curry is so full of flavour and spice,love your recipe!


  • Terrific! This looks really good! A nice recipe!


  • Love the vegetables in this recipe.


  • A lovely Indian recepie. Thank you for sharing


  • this looks mouth watering good!


  • Love a good vindaloo! Helps to clear the nose!


  • definitely a family favorite!


  • We brought up our kids eating exiting food this sounds like one they will like.


  • Thanks again; made and loved this tasty dish.


  • Thanks for sharing this recipe; it looks so tasty!


  • Vindaloo curry with chicken n veg looks great


  • A delicious and tasty recipe


  • this is a tip for the kids- mix yoghurt in with theirs to take away some of the heat and spice


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