
  • Makes 8
  • 10 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 4 Ingredients


Easy to make, tastes delicious, can also be poured into ice-cream moulds and frozen to make yummy chocolate paddle pops. If you're freezing, add a little more sweetener to your mix as the product tends to loose some flavour when frozen

Ingredients (makes 8 Jelly mould serves)

  • 4 Tablespoons Unsweetened Cocoa
  • 4 Tablespoons Corn Flour
  • 1/4 Cup Caster Sugar
  • 800 Mls Milk


  1. Put 500 mls of the milk into a medium saucepan and put on a low heat - bring to a slow boil.
  2. Meanwhile, sift the dry ingredients over the remaining 300 mls of milk and mix to combine.
  3. When the milk has started to bubble around the edges, pour in the chocolate mixture and whisk on low heat until it thickens. Approximately 6-8 minutes
  4. Pour into serving containers of choice, put a piece of cling film over the top that touches the top of the yogo. Refrigerate until cool.

  • I like that you can use this in different ways.


  • Yum. Simple and easy recipe. Definitely adding this to our to do list.


  • Wow, amazing!
    Nice and simple as well. This is great that making it you know exactly what ingredients are used.
    Thank you for sharing.


  • make your own chocolate yogo! Hmmmm nan is going to be popular lol


  • Too much sugar for us but definitely better than shop bought.


  • I do love home made options to the shop bought products. I like knowing exactly what’s going in the food we eat


  • A delicious recipe,thanks so much!


  • Now this is a different recipe – up there for creativity.


  • A delicious treat; thanks for sharing!.


  • This might be a special dessert treat for my toddler. Thanks!


  • A good recipe! Thanks for sharing this!


  • Yum Choc pudding is the best, We love it with Banana

    • Thanks for the banana tip – this would be delish with choc pudding.


  • Who knew this would be so simple to make at home!


  • Ohh wow! Can’t wait to try this one tomorrow!


  • My older girls would enjoy this!


  • Yum, I had no idea it was so easy to make home Yogo


  • well i came back to grab the recipe. i have all the ingredients so i will try to make this tonight. i just want to say thanks so much for sharing this recipe. i really think that my kids will love this as they are crazy about the real stuff.


  • this looks just like it


  • I want to try this yogo looks yummy


  • homemade yogo, healthy ingredients and good to know what little ones are eating, great recipe


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