
  • Serves 4
  • Makes 18
  • 10 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 9 Ingredients


This meal is a great summer option. Its light, refreshing and a great way to spice up your usual breakfast routine!

Ingredients (serves 4 | makes 18 small/med fritters)

  • 1 Cup Self-Raising Flour
  • 1/2 Cup Buttermilk
  • 420g Can Corn Kernels
  • 2 Eggs
  • 310g Creamed Corn
  • Olive Oil Cookin Spray
  • 250g Philadelphia Cream Cheese, Spreadable
  • 200g Smoked Salmon, sliced
  • 1/3 Cup Chives, finely chopped


  1. Drain corn kernels and leave to sit. Sift flour into large bowl and make a well in the centre.
  2. Whisk eggs and buttermilk in separate bowl until fully combined. Add to flour mixture.
  3. Add corn kernels, creamed corn and 1/2 the amount of chives to flour mixture. With a large spoon gently fold ingredients together. Remember to be gentle, do not over mix!
  4. Place frying pan on stove over medium heat until hot. Remove for 30 seconds then line frying pan with olive oil cooking spray. Return to heat.
  5. Place heaped tablespoons of mixture into pan, three at a time. Make sure to spread mixture to reasonable diameter for each, keeping their rounded shape.
  6. Cook until fritters begin to bubble on upturned surface. Flip. Cook until fritters for further 1-2 minutes or until firm to touch. The creamed corn will keep fritters quite soft in centre so be sure not to overcook.
  7. Place on dry clean plate. Wait to cool for 2-3 minutes.
  8. Spread philadelphia cream cheese on each. Top with 2 slices of smoked salmon.
  9. Season with leftover chives, salt and pepper. Walluh!!!


This recipe is a great option for breakfast or brunch dates with family or friends. It quick, easy and full of life! You can also try spicing the fritters up with a homemade tomato relish or as a lunch option with a prawn and avocado salad! The options are endless

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