
  • Serves 4
  • 2 hours
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 6 Ingredients


Tasty, one pan chicken dish.

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 1 Inghams Chicken ( cut into pieces, deboned if desired)
  • 50 grams butter
  • 400 gram can Cream of chicken soup ( or cream of mushroom)
  • approx. 200 Grams roasted pumpkin, cubed
  • 1 med eggplant, Peeled and cubed
  • 1/2 cup dry white wine


  1. Place chicken in an oven proof dish, dot with butter, season with salt and pepper and roast , uncovered 20 minutes. 190 deg. oven
  2. Add eggplant and bake for a further 10 minutes
  3. Pour over soup and wine and add cubed pumpkin. Mix a little to combine
  4. Bake for a further 3/4 - 1 hour
  5. Serve with rice and greens


You can just use Diced Fresh pumpkin and add it at the same time as the eggplant, but roasted pumpkin adds a lovely depth of flavor .. i used leftover roast pumpkin i had from the night before

  • This looks like a really tasty casserole.. Love the one pot meals :)


  • I like a casserole thats quick and easy to make


  • Delicious looking menu – you really can’t beat a great casserole!


  • One pan, yes please. Will try this ASAP, love chicken with rice.


  • Have never had a chicken dish like this with eggplant don’t really use it much other than dip but it looks nice!


  • Sounds great except for the eggplant.


  • love a good casserole! Could add lots of veggies too


  • Thank you for providing this recipe. So easy to make and using ingredients that are to hand.


  • Being the main dish washer, one pot meals are a favourite with me.


  • I love one-pan cooking! This looks delicious!

    • I love one pan cooking too – less washing up! ;)


  • such a simple dish that I am sure has super flavours – thank you for sharing your recipe – this is my kind of cooking :)


  • I do like using cans of soup for recipe hacks and this recipe is terrific for using chicken soup. Thanks for the recipe.


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