
  • Serves 4
  • 40 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 9 Ingredients

60 Comment

A traditional curried sausages with added potato.

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 4 sausages
  • 2 onions, chopped
  • 2 potatoes, diced
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 teaspoons curry powder
  • 1 1/2 cups chicken stock
  • 1 tablespoon cornflour
  • water (to dissolve the cornflour)
  • seasoning


  1. In a heavy pan heat the oil. Cut the sausages and fry. Add the onion and potato and lightly fry together until the sausages are cooked.
  2. Add the curry powder and chicken stock. Simmer for around 30 minutes.
  3. Dissolve the cornflour in water and add to thicken the sauce. Add salt and pepper to taste.


I usually serve this on rice. I love the addition of potato and tend to use less sausages. If you don't want to add the potatoes best to add more sausages. Also a good way to use up left over BBQ sausages.

  • Now this is another recipe that I’d probably hate but my family would love. However, I’ve got no problem eating something else occasionally (good way to get rid of leftovers) while everyone else enjoys a meal they love. This does look relatively easy to make and uses only ingredients my family likes.


  • Yum. Curried sausages are such a great comfort food..


  • My Mum makes this, so warming and delicious


  • Mmmmmm, one of my all time favourite sausage recipes


  • I love my curried sausages with a big bowl of mashed spuds.


  • A recipe l love to make,so good! Thanks!


  • Why stop at just the potato? Maybe throw some carrot in to!


  • Yummy. This looks like a great hearty family meal.


  • you can also put heaps of vegies in this and get leftovers


  • yummy
    i also add a bit of tomatoe sauce which just kicks the flavour level up a little bit more. my kids love this on a bed of rice or just on toast


  • I cant wait to try this one out on the kids


  • An old family favourite that I haven’t had in years.


  • A nice winter nights meal


  • yummo love curried sausages, awesome recipe, thanks for sharing


  • A good meal for a cold day. Think l might be making a bit hey…


  • Love a good curried sausage dish!


  • This looks really good will have to try this for the family


  • i make a similar version great on a cold day

    • Curries do hit the spot on chilly and cold days – one of our go to meals.


  • I haven’t had curried sausages since I was young, used to love them with mashed potatoes. Thank you for posting your recipe, about time I tried them again.


  • Don’t normally make a meal like this, but this sounds pretty good. Thanks for sharing the recipe.


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