
  • 50 minutes
  • Difficulty Medium
  • 16 Ingredients


Yummy meaty cheesy goodness.


  • 500g Beef mince
  • I Onion diced
  • 1 clove Garlic crushed
  • 1 Carrot grated
  • 1 Zucchini grated
  • 1 400g can Crushed tomatoes
  • 1 tbsp Tomato paste
  • 1/2 cup Chicken stock
  • 1 tsp Oregano leaves
  • 50g Butter
  • 2 tbsp Plain flour
  • 1-2 Cups milk
  • Sprinkle Nutmeg
  • 1/2 cup Shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1 stalk Celery diced
  • 4 sheets Lasagna - homemade, dried or fresh


  1. Brown mince, add onion garlic celery carrot and zucchini. Cook 5 mins until veg have softened.
  2. Pour in tomatoes, stock & add paste. Stir & simmer until thickened. Stir in oregano and remove from heat.
  3. Melt butter in a pot, add flour, stir and cook a minute before gradually adding milk. Sauce will continue to thicken as you go, use a low heat. Once you reach your desired thickness, remove from heat and add in nutmeg.
  4. Place 1/3 meat on base of a square lasagna dish. Top with a third of cheese sauce. Add two pasta sheets. Don't overlap. Break if you need to. Repeat for another layer. Finish with last third of meat, last third of cheese sauce, then sprinkle with cheddar.
  5. Bake 180* 30 mins until golden. Let stand 5 mins before serving.

  • I do meat, lasagne sheet, cheese sauce, lasagne sheet and repeat. I was told traditional lasagne is done this way, is that correct? Any Italians out there


  • Looks good. Thanks for the recipe.


  • Love lovely lasagna – thanks for your recipe – always such a satisfying meal.


  • A gorgeous lasagna recipe,it look’s amazing! Thanks.


  • My husband loves it when I make lasagna!


  • Thanks for posting this up and great idea hiding some extra veggies in it.


  • This is sure to become a family fave for us too.


  • i tried this for the kids and they sure didn’t seem to mind eating it lol


  • I love lasange but other half doesn’t :( I still want to make it tho


  • wow hidden vegies! this looks so delicious!
    thanks for posting


  • this looks like it has amazing flavours!


  • Looks like it could be my favourite lasagne


  • Thanks for sharing this yummy treat


  • Thanks – must give this a try. Appreciate it!


  • I love lasagne my all time favourite thanks again


  • this is my kind of recipe, family will adore this


  • Yum, always a hit. And good to hide heaps of grated veg too.


  • This looks so yummy and i would love to eat some now.


  • My niece makes Lasagna and she also adds some diced ham to the meat mixture, and some hard-boiled eggs as a layer. Apparently that’s how her Italian Mother-in-law made it. It’s very nice, but I like the sound of your recipe more. Not sure about eggs in lasagna.


  • Sounds delicious


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