
  • Serves 6
  • 30 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 13 Ingredients


Jazz up your Christmas morning with this elegant breakfast that is sure to impress. Its French toast with a twist!

Ingredients (serves 6)

  • 1 Panettone
  • 6 Eggs
  • 3/4 cup Thickened cream
  • 3/4 cup Whole milk
  • 1/4 cup Sugar
  • 2 TBS Unsalted butter
  • 1/2 cup Mascarpone cheese
  • Assorted fresh berries
  • Icing sugar to dust
  • 1 cup Water Water
  • 1 packed cup Brown sugar
  • 2 TBS Thickened cream


  1. For the syrup. In a heavy base saucepan, bring the water and the sugar to a boil over high heat, stirring until the sugar dissolves. Boil until the syrup reduces to about 1 cup (approximately 10 minutes)
  2. Remove the pan from the heat and whisk in the cream. Keep warm unil serving
  3. Meanwhile, using a serrated knife, remove the top from the panettone, and cut the bottom of the panettone Into 4 large, thick slices. Cut each of these slices into quarters, so that you have 16 quarters
  4. In a large bowl, whisk the eggs, cream, milk and sugar until smooth. Melt 1 TBS butter in a non stick frying pan. Working in batches, dip slices of the panettone in the milk mixture, turning to allow both sides to soak it up.
  5. Cook the panettone slices until they are golden and firm to the touch. Place cooked slices into a low oven to keep warm, and repeat with the remaining panettone until all cooked.
  6. Transfer to a serving plate, and top with fresh berries, drizzle with the syrup and lastly top with mascarpone and a dusting of icing sugar

  • It looks nice and colourful


  • It looks delicious but when there’s only 2 of us, it would be a waste. Hope everyone enjoys it though


  • Very decadent but it looks so beautiful.


  • Yummy! Anything with Panettone has surely got to be a good idea?!


  • We pretty much do this exact thing every year and it’s amazing!


  • We love the amount of eggs. Especially when it is breakfast. Plenty of protein for the day to keep kids and adults going. Cant go wrong with fresh fruit and berries either, the little ones will eat them in a second


  • Looks so yummy. Only problem is that the amount of eggs needed. Sorry abit too much for me.


  • Oh my goodness this looks delicious! I just need someone else to make it for me.


  • Yuummmm need this in my life


  • I’ve never had panettone before, but now I feel like I have to have it!! Thank you


  • I love panettone! They can get quite expensive sometimes but I love the special edition ones you can get during Christmas.


  • Oh my gosh yum


  • This is my type of breakfast, I just love mascarpone cheese and French toast.


  • That sure does look delicious


  • Oh my god..so yummy. Looks fabulous and delicious.


  • Wow! Looks amazing! I love the recipe here. Thank you.


  • Can you get panettone all year round or only at Xmas time? This looks amazing !!


  • This is just mouthwatering. Could only be a special occasion breakfast in our house, but looks amazing.


  • I love it with berries, maple syrup and ricotta too!


  • yum this looks amazing! – thank you for sharing – looks like a great sunday morning type breakfast!


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