
  • Serves 2
  • 10 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 4 Ingredients

92 Comment

This dish is a traditional Asian dish. Not many people make this anymore 🙁 Please pass this on…

Ingredients (serves 2)

  • 3 handful (about 2 cups ) fresh basil (just the leaves)
  • 2 x (60gm) Eggs
  • 1-2 teaspoon soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon Rice bran oil


  1. In a bowl, mix basil leaves and eggs. You should barely see the egg as the basil overwhelms the mixture, But I can assure you, the more basil you put into this recipe the better the taste!
  2. Add in soysauce. 1 or 2 teaspoon depending if you are going to eat it on its own or with rice. If you are having it on its own, I suggest less soy sauce.
  3. Heat rice bran oil in a wok or non-stick frying pan. Pour the egg mixture into the wok and grill. The dish is done when the egg is brownish (See picture)


This dish is perfect with rice. Feel free to eat it with toast as brekkie :)

  • This is a really unique recipe. I’ve never heard anything like it before. I’m not sure I even know what rice bran oil is. Still, it sounds interesting and I like all the ingredients, so it’s definitely one I’ll give a try. Without rice it would make a good breakfast, and with rice I’d eat it for lunch.


  • I actually love basil so I’m going to try this. Thank you 🙂


  • Great new way to eat eggs!


  • Looks easy enough, would make a great breakfast or a yummy side dish


  • lovely, this would be great with a little tossed tomato salad and boccochini balls – yum thanks for sharing


  • I can imagine it would be delicious I did fried egg with marjoram and I thought what is this and it was just omg amazing


  • Yum yum I want to try this once I have some basil thanks!!!!!


  • Yumm I haven’t thought to make this but want to now did i say it looks yum!


  • Looks and sounds very healthy


  • Great recipe – thanks for sharing.


  • This looks rather yummy, thank you.


  • I have recently purchased a Basil plant and am thinking of ideas to use it before I kill it! This is the perfect recipe and I know I’ll love it. Printing it out now!!


  • Wow, that is heeeeeeeeaps of basil! Bet it tastes lovely.


  • Freid eggs with basil for breakfast would be a delicious way to start the day,thanks!


  • great sunday brunch – thanks for the easy and yummy looking recipe


  • I love any dish with eggs !!


  • Great recipe, thanks so much for sharing it!


  • I love this recipe, thank you for sharing!


  • mmm yummm thanks mums


  • I tried this and it was sensational!


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