
  • Serves 5
  • 30 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 15 Ingredients

A delicious alternative for dessert, this Fresh Fruit Dessert Pizza not only looks stunning, it tastes fresh, light and oh so yummy! Impress your family or your guests!

Ingredients (serves 5)

  • 1 cup Greek yoghurt
  • 1 cup Plain flour (extra may be needed)
  • 1/2 cup Cream cheese
  • 1/2 tsp Vanilla extract
  • 1 1/2 TBS Icing sugar
  • 1 small lemon Zest
  • Juice from 1/2 lemon
  • Canned peaches
  • Kiwi fruit
  • Mint
  • Blueberries
  • Raspberries
  • Strawberries
  • Passionfruit
  • Dried coconut shards


  1. Mix the Greek yoghurt & the flour together until a dough forms. Knead until smooth and soft. You may need to add extra flour to the dough to help it stop being sticky
  2. On a floured surface, roll dough out to form a thin round shape. Dock with a pizza docker or a fork to prevent it rising during cooking
  3. Place into a pre heated 180 degree oven for around 8- 10 minutes or until firm and just starting to get some colour. Remove and allow to cool
  4. Mix the cream cheese, icing sugar, vanilla and the zest and juice from the lemon together until smooth and well incorporated. Spread over the base of the pizza evenly, and then top with your choice of fruit. Serve immediately


A combination of any fruit can be used! Play around and find your favorite combination!

  • Wow! This looks amazing, tasty, healthy and I will definitely be trying it!


  • Looks delicious! Might have to give it a try!


  • So nice and healthy!
    I think my kids would really enjoy making this and eating it too. Thank you for sharing. It’s the perfect recipe for summer.


  • so colourful!


  • One recipe I’m not to sure I want to try. Sorry! But looks nice enough:-)


  • What a great idea. It looks delicious and healthy.


  • This is my type of dessert – healthy, fruity and delicious. And, also so colourful. There could be so many variations as well depending on the fruit used.


  • Very colourful


  • A healthy and unusual pizza but it works!


  • Love the colour presentation, absolutely amazing.


  • I don’t no why but it looks like Pavlova for me but looks very colourful


  • this is great for summer!!


  • Great idea for hot summer days


  • I just love how colourful this dish is


  • Great way to make pizza healthy for the kids


  • I find Greek Style Yogurt to be sour but the sweetness of the fruit apart from the lemon would be refreshing, especially when you can use in season fruit. I love the choice of the passionfruit too.


  • Fruit pizza – what an interesting concept!

    I think we will give this a go for sure!


  • OMG this looks so colourful and simply awesome ….what a delicious way of getting more variety of fruits into your day. Well done indeed.


  • Never thought to make thus dough as a sweet option. Good idea!


  • This was an interesting combination.


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