
  • Serves 20
  • Makes 2
  • 10 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 9 Ingredients


This Green Pea, Broadbean and Mint Smash is a stunning starter (served on smaller biscuits or pieces of sourdough), a great entree or a really filling side to serve with a soup for lunch or Sunday night easy dinner.

Ingredients (serves 20 | makes 2 cups of 'smash')

  • 1 1/2 cups Frozen Baby Peas (lightly boiled and drained)
  • 1 cup Frozen Broad Beans (lightly boiled, drained and shelled)
  • 1/2 cup Pine Nuts (lightly toasted if you prefer a more nutty taste)
  • 1/2 cup fresh mint leaves
  • 1/2 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1 teaspoon Fresh Garlic, roughly chopped
  • Pinch Salt to taste
  • Pinch Pepper to taste
  • 1/2 cup Persian Fetta in Oil (purchased)


  1. Lightly boil the frozen baby peas, drain and set aside.
  2. Lightly boil the frozen broad beans, drain and then run under cold water to cool. Remove the outer shells of the broad beans to reveal a beautiful bright green broad bean. Set aside.
  3. Into the bowl of a food processor place the baby peas, half the broad beans, pine nuts, garlic, mint leaves, salt, pepper and olive oil. Blitz on high until the mixture resembles a very coarse pesto.
  4. Remove the blades from the food processor or spoon the mixture into a mixing bowl and gently fold through the other half of the broad beans that should still be either full or half beans.
  5. You can either serve this with crackers or toasted sourdough bread or anything really. You can serve it in a bowl as a dip, or with a spreading knife for guests to make their own bruschetta or you can make up the servings yourself and then serve.
  6. I top mine with crumbled persian fetta - or you might like to lightly spread the bread with the fetta and then spoon the 'smash' on top. Finish off with a tiny drizzle of the oil that was in the container with the Persian Fetta.


There are loads of great tweaks you can make to this recipe depending on your tastes. Take out the pinenuts and add chick peas for a more 'hommus' like texture, add a little smoked paprika when you serve, replace the mint with basil or coriander, add some finely diced spanish onion when you mix in the unprocessed broad beans ... the sky's the limit with this easy pea 'smash'. I've even been known to give this to my toddlers on toast - they love it!

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