
  • Serves 16
  • 30 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 7 Ingredients


Easy and quick

Ingredients (serves 16)

  • 2 1/2 cup Flour
  • 1/4 cup Sugar
  • 2 teaspoons Baking powder
  • 100g Butter (melted)
  • 2 Eggs
  • 1 cup Milk
  • 1 cup Baby spinach


  1. Mix all dry ingredients ( sugar, flour, baking powder)
  2. Blend baby spinach with milk and eggs
  3. Combine dry mix with blended spinach mix and butter
  4. Put in muffin tin and bake 20 min in 160°C


You can also add 2 cups of flour and 1/2 cup of rolled oats.

  • I’m not sure on this – never seen spinach in a muffin before. I think I’d have a hard time convincing the family…


  • Love the colour. I’d love to try one.


  • Very interested to know how these would taste


  • These are so cool, how smart to use spinach in muffins! I want to try this for my little one and add some mint maybe.


  • They actually look so nice. I actually love the colour.


  • Never used spinach this way! Looks like time to give this one a taste


  • So cool! love the colour


  • I’m always looking for ways to get my kids to eat spinach. These look great.


  • I like adding tasty cheese, feta, chives and parsley too :)


  • Very unusual but definitely worth trying. I’m up for giving them a go


  • Now this is something I’ve never tried before. I love spinach and these would be full of iron.


  • This looks amazing, have never tried any savoury muffin. Will try replacing egg to yoghurt and will add some corns to it.

    • Not sure how the yoghurt will work but the corn sounds nice.


  • How long and temperature would you cook if baked as a whole cake?

    • Not sure. Propable 30min or more…just need to check with wooden toothpick if its cooked or not


  • These would be fun for the little ones as I doubt the spinach taste would be too strong

    • I am using blanded spinach to make green cakes and you can’t taste it at all


  • I like spinach but don’t these are for me!


  • wow these would be good with a little something extra like bacon and red onion, lots of potential to really make these a flavour bomb of a muffin! – thank you for sharing your recipe

    • Great idea. Those are more for small kids-i was making them for my kids where they been 1-2yo.


  • Not sure if these will taste any good but keen to give the recipe a try

    • Those are more for small kids-i was making them for my kids where they been 1-2yo.


  • A very timely recipe.. my son is so into the Incredible Hulk at the moment that I can get him to eat anything green! Opportune time to get more veggies into him!


  • Would never have thought to put spinach in muffins – will definitely try this recipe!


  • Good way to hide the spinach. Healthy choice. thanks


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