
  • Makes 6
  • 30 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 6 Ingredients

These Healthy Cookies won’t win any awards for being pretty, but you wont believe how easy these cookies are to make or how healthy they are! Only a few simple ingredients and you can whip some of these up for a low sugar school lunchbox treat for the kids!

Ingredients (makes 6 Large cookies)

  • 2 medium Bananas, mashed
  • 100g Oats
  • 1 TBS Sultanas
  • 1 TBS Dried cranberries
  • Drizzle Vanilla essence
  • Cinnamon powder to taste


  1. Place the 80g of the oats into a food processor or magic bullet, and pulse to make an oat powder. They don’t have to be fine, just broken up a bit.
  2. Place all ingredients (including the remaining 20g of oats) into a bowl and mix to combine.
  3. Place 6 even dollops of mix onto a lined baking tray, and flatten slightly.
  4. Bake in a pre heated 180 degree oven for 15 -20 minutes until firm and just starting to colour around the edges. Remove and cool on the tray for a few minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely


These Healthy Cookies have a chewy, dense but soft texture and need to be stored in the fridge because of the fresh banana in them. They also need to be eaten with in a day or 2.

  • I’d substitute the sultanas for choc chips! Yum!


  • I couldn’t do the sultanas – maybe something else?


  • Oh gosh these sound great to have with my morning tea


  • This is perfect because I have a bunch of overripe bananas to use up!


  • Triple yum. Turned out great. Thank you.


  • I love easy and simple recipes to make thank you for sharing can’t wait to try it out


  • A delicious snack box recipe! Thanks!


  • Nice healthy treat. Love it. Thanks


  • Oh yum. I’m surprised because I’m not a huge fan of oats and sultanas but these sounds nice


  • A really healthy cookie option. Love it.


  • Smart recipe, with great use of healthy ingredients.


  • excellent lunchbox recipe, Thank you


  • This recipe is simple yet delicious and other ingredients can be added for one’s liking xx


  • So simple. Thanks for sharing – know what I’ll be having for morning tea tomorrow.


  • Love these as a healthy cookie option. We love cookies too much in our household!


  • They look yummy thanks for sharing


  • This recipe is so healthy and seems
    So easy. Will definitely give this ago as I’d rather the kids eat these then so sugar filled site bought. Thanks for the recipe


  • We’ve made these for many years. I find you don’t have to pulse the oats. I often add some seeds.


  • Very healthy recipe and so easy to make. Thanks for sharing


  • These remind me a little bit of the rock cakes Mum used to make. Sound healthy enough and I think I have most of these ingredients in the pantry.


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