
  • Serves 4
  • 45 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 9 Ingredients


Quick delicious dessert that takes no time to make! These Hot and Saucy Apricots are … hot and saucy!

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 500 g Apricot halves
  • 1/2 cup Sugar
  • 2 tablespoons Self raising flour
  • 1 cup Sour cream
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla essence
  • 2 tablespoons Sugar
  • 1 teaspoon Cinnamon
  • 2 teaspoons Butter - room temp


  1. 1. Combine sugar and flour (sift flour in). Then add sour cream, egg & vanilla. Beat until smooth.
  2. 2. Drain apricots. Line 20cn baking dish with apricots top side up.
  3. 3. Spoon over sour cream wet mixture.
  4. 4. Cook 180 degrees for 35 mins.
  5. 5. Prepare topping by adding all ingredients and rubbing in butter.
  6. 6. Take dish out of oven, add topping and return to oven for 10 more minutes.


This was a recipe my nan used to make. So simple to make and delicious eating. Serve by itself or with custard or ice cream

  • My mum used to make this for us but with tin black cherries (1-2 tins substituting the apricot quantity).
    This was a recipe from a super super old Women’s Weekly book. She always made double because everyone wanted seconds. I’ve been trying to find this for years as she lost the book!!


  • ooo I simply LOVE Love love recipes passed down from nan’s and this one looks and sounds tops. Thank you so much for sharing your treasured heirloom recipe with us.

    • Thank you for your kind comment!

      This dessert is ridiculously easy and quick to make. The longest part is the time in the oven, lol,

      And Yes, recipes from nans are so special aren’t they. So often simple, delicious and hearty.
      I hope sharing mine means others can enjoy too.
      Thank you for your lovely words.


  • A great wintry recipe, thinking other fruits could be used too.


  • A delicious warm and filling dessert – perfect for these winter nights!


  • The family would love this, a fantastic recipe.


  • Perfect for these winter months. Thank you for sharing this recipe.


  • This sounds like an excellent Winter dessert. I would love it with custard on top. Thank you .


  • Oh yum, this is something that I would enjoy eating! Thanks for sharing the recipe


  • looks like a great idea


  • oh yum, this would be tasty with some fruche!


  • Such a homely recipe. Absolutely love it.


  • thanks for sharing, looks delicious


  • This would be nice at a dinner party


  • Apricot is my favourite fruit and this sounds like an easy delicious desert to make

    • Thank you!
      Apricots are my favourite too! So often overlooked, so I’ll jump at anything with apricots!!


  • I think this would taste amazing – makes me remember an apricot slice I used to get at the tuckshop at school many many years ago – I think I might indulge myself for mothers day and make this!


  • A perfect recipe for the cooler weather and apricots are a favourite,thanks so much!


  • So easy yet looks so delicious. Minimum input for maximum output, love this!


  • Ooh I love the sound of this dessert thanks love apricots!


  • Hot and saucy apricots sound so delicious and I like the creativity of this recipe – well done!


  • Love these old type tarts, so much easier to make then some of the newer ones.

    • Me too! This one is ridiculously easy to make and so simple.

      They’re the best these types that are so easy to make and simple ingredients.

      Thank u for ur comment


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