
  • Serves 4
  • 25 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 7 Ingredients


Great with chips and salad, serve with mayonaise

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 1 kg boneless fresh white fish (I used gummy flake)
  • 1/3 cup plain flour
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 3/4 cup bread crumbs
  • 1 tbs lemon juice
  • Finely grated rind of 2 lemons
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil


  1. Slice the fish into 20 bits – about 2cm x 3cm. Place the flour in a bowl. Break eggs into another bowl and whisk to combine. Combine the crumbs and lemon rind in a third bowl. Place a fish finger in the flour bowl and cover well, dust off any excess. Dip the flour-coated fish bites in egg and then in the breadcrumb mixture. Repeat for remaining fish bits.
  2. Cover the base of a large frypan with oil and heat over high heat. Cook fish bits for 3-4 minutes each side until golden brown. I usually cook two batches. Drain on paper towel and serve immediately


For partying purposes, prepare these in advance and freeze (as long as you are using fresh fish). Then fry in batches or cook in the oven at 210°C for 10-15 minutes

  • My hubby would go nuts for this, he loves fish bites


  • I guess you cook them before you freeze them. It sounds great to have some in the freezer on standby just in case you come home and don’t want to cook or expected have visitors. Definitely need to like lemon. You can leave it out if you need to. You need alternative liquid. I notice this recipe is dairy free too


  • Love a different way to eat fish and chips looks good


  • Such a great recipe and so good in Summer!


  • gosh this sounds so good, thanks for the recipe


  • Love the idea of making and freezing and then baking!


  • Great recipe, thank you for sharing!


  • Thanks for sharing this tasty looking recipe. Will give this a go.


  • My son would love this! Thanks


  • also this looks so delicious! it’s a great recipe and thanks for posting


  • this is a great way to serve fish to kids


  • Great to find some easy & appealing fish recipes.


  • a wonderful take on fish and chips, love this idea, must try


  • Haven’t seen the lemon rind being used with the crumbs before! Would certainly add a zing to the fish!!


  • kids would love this one, just like “takeaway”


  • We love our fish, and this would be a much nicer way to get the kids to eat it rather than yucky old fish-fingers. Big kids would love them too.,


  • A great meal idea for the kids. Better than take away.


  • So tempting these would be great.


  • Love that name “Fish Bits”


  • a very tasty looking fish bite


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