
  • Serves 4
  • 15 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 11 Ingredients


Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 85 g unsalted peanuts
  • 400ml can coconut cream
  • 4 tbsp massaman curry paste
  • 600g beef, in cubes
  • 4 potatoes
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 4 kaffir lime leaves
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 tbsp brown sugar
  • 1 tbsp fish sauce
  • 1 red chilli, sliced, to serve


  1. Heat oven to 200C, then roast the peanuts on a baking tray for 5 mins until golden brown. When cool enough to handle, roughly chop. Reduce oven to 180C.
  2. Heat 2 tbsp coconut cream in a large casserole dish with a lid. Add the curry paste and fry for 1 min, then stir in the beef and fry until well coated and sealed. Stir in the rest of the coconut with half a can of water, the potatoes, onion, lime leaves, cinnamon, sugar, fish sauce and most of the peanuts. Bring to a simmer, then cover and cook for 2 hrs in the oven until the beef is tender.
  3. Sprinkle with sliced chilli and the remaining peanuts, then serve straight from the dish with jasmine rice.

  • This looks really, really good. Thanks for sharing…


  • I’ve heard of massaman curry before, not sure if I’ve actually tried it tho


  • Massaman Curry is my favourite Thai food. I usually have it with chicken, will have to try this. Yum!


  • I like a hearty meal like this wonderful ingredients I would love to try this


  • Doing this next weekend as daughter is going away with school camp, even safer.


  • Love the sounds of this. Just find a night when my oldest daughter is not around and have it. So love peanuts in my meals but can not around her.


  • wow this looks and sounds great! – I am a sucker for anything with peanuts in it I must admit, so I will be adding this to the meal plan – thank you for sharing your recipe :)


  • This looks really good! A nice recipe!


  • I love the look of this recipe :)


  • Yum, I’ve been looking for something like this to cook during these cold and windy days. Thanks.


  • Yum! This sounds fabulous. Thanks foe sharing. Love the nutty addition!


  • great for when winter hits ,,, come on the cold weather


  • Beef massaman was one of the first curries I ever attempted.


  • Will be good to expand the kids horizons with this one.


  • Willing to try new tasty meals on kids.


  • Thanks for sharing this recipe; made and loved it. Delicious!


  • Thanks for sharing this recipe; it looks absolutely delicious. Will be happily making and tasting this recipe as soon as possible.


  • Massaman curry is a great Asian dish!


  • also i’m definately going to try this tonight


  • that looks so delicious.
    my hubby and i love this recipe
    thanks for sharing


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