
  • Serves 6
  • 15 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 12 Ingredients


this recipe can be made any which way you like the kids love it and will always ask for more

Ingredients (serves 6)

  • any left over roast can be pork or lamb or even chicken as much as you want
  • 6 cups steamed rice made either night before or that morning ( i do mine in the microwave)
  • 4-6 rashers diced bacon
  • 1 large red onion diced
  • half a bunch spring onions sliced ( more or less up to you )
  • 1 cup frozen corn ( more or less)
  • 1 cup frozen peas ( more or less)
  • 1 red capsicum diced ( more or less)
  • soy sauce
  • sesame oil
  • 6 eggs fried into an omelette then shredded
  • 1 cup baby cooked prawns (optional extra )


  1. prepare the rice and stick in the fridge over night or cook that morning and leave to cool down spread out on a board and covered
  2. dice onion, bacon, red capsicum and fry off until soft
  3. mix the eggs together beat and fry off as you like you could even make scrambled eggs and use that if you wanted
  4. heat wok or banquet frypan ( thats what i used) and put the rice in and drizzle over the sesame oil and little or as much as you like break the rice up and warm through
  5. mix everything else in and pour in as much or as little of the soy sauce as you want and serve hot

  • I literally pick a random page, close my eyes and pick a recipe. This one was tonight’s dinner and omg yum!!!


  • Yum looks great. Will def look at making this one.


  • Would be better without bacon or seafood.


  • Yum we love our fried rice here! Usually serve it with spring rolls or dim sims!


  • Pretty much fried rice am I right? A regular on my menu


  • Love fried rice this looks good


  • A good economical dish for the whole family. Don’t need anything else as everything is tossed together. So many variations can be made.


  • Can’t see the speshulness here, pretty much looks like my recipe. As a side dish or add meat for a complete meal. Yum


  • Special fried rice is always a good stand alone meal – so much love for it and thanks for sharing your fried rice recipe.


  • Love special fried rice and your recipe has all the ingredients that makes it delicious,thanks!


  • mmm so good what a great recipe


  • This looks really very good! A really nice recipe!


  • I use my microwave for making rice every time.


  • This is just how we make it at home.


  • fried rice is delicious for sure. thanks a lot for sharing this

    • We love fried rice as a go to meal too – a fabulous leftovers meal too.


  • I really like the look of this fried rice yummy


  • Fried rice is always great for leftovers.


  • yep this is super delicious!


  • Definitely a meal the kiddos would love.


  • oooohhh looks tasty, thanks for sharing!


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