
  • Serves 6
  • 40 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 4 Ingredients


Can add vegetables, but they are best grated. Could also use any pasta sauce you wish.

Ingredients (serves 6)

  • 1 Pkt Penne Pasta
  • 500g Beef Mince (or which ever meat you prefer)
  • 785g Jar Dolmio Bolognese Sauce
  • 1 cup Grated Mozzarella Cheese


  1. Precook pasta so it is just under-done. While pasta is cooking, cook up mince with sauce.
  2. At this stage you can add any grated vegetables and onion if you wish. Once pasta is cooked, drain and using a spring form round tin, spray a little oil to stop pasta from sticking and fill the tin with the pasta tubes standing up. This will take several minutes, but it is worth it!
  3. Once your tin is full and compact with pasta, spoon the mince mix on top of the pasta, trying to push the sauce and meat as best you can down the tubes. Then fill the top so the pasta is covered and top with cheese. Bake in oven on 180 for 15-20 min until cheese is golden. Take the spring round off slowly and bazinga! Serve with Garlic Bread.

  • At least this one doesn’t have a pastry crust like Banjos, not sure I’d enjoy theirs


  • Great idea.


  • Oh wow – what an amazing concept! I would never have thought to do this…


  • This looks great ! I might try it in a silicone muffin tray into individual pie’s, then we don’t have to cut it !


  • A very unique and fab recipe! Thanks so much!


  • This is such an amazing idea! Love it!


  • yeah also it’s amazing that you made this into a pie


  • looks yummy, thanks for sharing


  • my partner would go crazy for this, thanks!


  • thanks for sharing


  • this looks so good!
    thanks for posting


  • Looks like a super cool dish might have to try it this week


  • wow, this is such a great idea, must try this, would be a hit with the family


  • A great winter recipe – thanks


  • Yes this would be utterly delicious, especially with a variety of grated vegies added to the mince mixture. I’d probably go one step further, and add some onion, garlic, and chilli too. And maybe some grated parmesan cheese over the top, because you can never have enough cheese.


  • That looks amazing. What a great idea.


  • a great pie dish, thanks


  • Nice presentation although a bit fiddly standing the pasta up.


  • this looks so good – love how you have presented it


  • Throw some garlic, onion and chilli into this and it would be absolutely perfect. With crusty garlic bread, yum what a meal!


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