
  • Serves 12
  • 6 hours
  • Difficulty Medium
  • 15 Ingredients


This was made for little Miss 2 who is a huge fan of Peppa Pig. You can save time and stress if you like by buying a large unfilled sponge from the supermarket if you wish and use that for the base instead of making the homemade version although the sponge I have used in this recipe is a family favourite and is pretty fail safe. Do hope you have fun and enjoy:-)

Ingredients (serves 12)

  • 170g sugar
  • pinch salt
  • 2 tablesp water
  • 1 heaped teasp baking powder
  • 4 large eggs, separated
  • vanilla to taste
  • 170g cornflour
  • Cream mud filling
  • large bottle of cream
  • block of dairy milk chocolate
  • 1 pk Aeroplane create-a-jelly
  • Jelly topping
  • 1 pk Aeroplane create-a-jelly
  • 1 500g bottle of Lipton's peach iced tea
  • 1 180g bag of Coles Peggy Pig & Pals lollies


  1. Bring sugar and water to the boil.
  2. Beat egg whites with salt until stiff.
  3. While still beating, pour in hot sugar and water mixture.
  4. Add egg yolks and turn off mixer.
  5. Fold in previously mixed sifted dry ingredients with a spatula.
  6. Bake at 180c for 15-20 minutes in 2 x 20 cm square tins which have been lined with baking paper.
  7. For the mud filling.
  8. Place chocolate in a heatproof, microwave-safe bowl. Microwave in short bursts till melted or place in a bowl over boiling water to melt, making sure No water gets into the chocolate.
  9. While the chocolate is slightly cooling, whisk the cream with the jelly crystals. Add the cream mixture to the chocolate and stir.
  10. Spread the chocolate mud mixture over the COOLED cake and place in the refrigerator.
  11. For the Jelly topping.
  12. In a Pyrex bowl microwave the Peach iced tea till hot. Add the jelly crystals and stir well.
  13. Place the bowl into the refrigerator for about 1 hour or till cold but not completely set.
  14. Pour the half set jelly over the cream mud mix.
  15. Decorate the top of the jelly with Pig lollies and return to refrigerator for around 4 hours or till set.
  16. Cut into squares to serve. EnJoY! oink OINK.

  • Oh my goodness, my toddler would scream and cry for this as she loves peppa pig!


  • Oh god wish I didn’t see this. Mr 2 loves nothing more then Peppa pig and jelly. I pretty much haaaaave to do this for him!


  • A fab recipe the little ones would love to eat!


  • Not sure about this one might put it on the back burner for a while, still will give it a go just not at the moment.


  • What a great idea! My little one is a huge Peppa pig fan too! Thanks for sharing a fab idea!


  • Many thanks for all the lovely and thoughtful comments and wishing all your little treasures (children) DELICIOUS, FUN and HAPPY TIMES. :-)

    • oh that is such a lovely thing to say Cherz! awesome


  • This is such a great idea.


  • Certain to be a big hit!!!


  • So cute – looks quite ambitious though!


  • This sounds fabulous.
    I love the create your own jelly and this is a great way to use it.


  • I bet kids would love this. Oink!


  • My girls are saying yes please!!!


  • this is such a good idea


  • Tried and loved, thanks again for this fun recipe.


  • The recipe is gorgeous and I love the detailing with the little pigs!


  • How cute and looks so good


  • oh boy! my son would go totally gaga over this.


  • I have a Peppa Pig mad little girl, she will absolutely love this!


  • very cute, thanks for sharing


  • How much fun would this be! Looks fantastic


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