
  • Serves 2
  • Makes 4
  • 40 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 12 Ingredients

There is nothing like a flaky crusty homemade pie. But pastry is usually laden with butter and calories and isn’t conducive to a healthy eating plan. So I’ve been on the lookout for pastry-alternatives and this time, I experimented using Wonton wrappers and roast veggies. It was a huge success. The wonton wrappers made a crunchy, scrumptious base and the veggie filling topped with cheese was so tasty.

Ingredients (serves 2 | makes 4 Pies)

  • 1/2 Small Butternut Pumpkin
  • 6 white mushrooms
  • 6 cherry tomatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 2 tablespoons tomato sauce
  • 2 tablespoons barbecue sauce
  • 8 small spinach leaves
  • 50g grated cheese
  • 8 wonton wrappers
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • Salt, pepper
  • Smoked Paprika


  1. First up, roast the butternut pumpkin. Wrap the pumpkin in foil and place on a baking sheet and roast in 200 degree oven until soft (around 60 minutes). Remove the pumpkin from the foil when soft and leave to cool.
  2. Chop up the tomatoes, mushrooms and onions.
  3. Heat oil up in a fry pan. Add the onions and cook until soft. Then add the mushrooms and tomatoes.
  4. Add the two sauces and stir and cook until the vegetables are soft. Remove from heat.
  5. Remove the pips from the roasted pumpkin and scrape the pumpkin flesh into a bowl and mash. Add some salt and pepper to taste.
  6. To assemble the pies, place two Wonton wrappers on top of each other in a star shape in each pie maker hole.
  7. Place two spinach leaves on top of the wrappers. Then add some pumpkin mash (about 2 tablespoons). Follow this with a tablespoon of mushroom, tomato and onion relish. Then top with some grated cheese and a sprinkling of Smoked Paprika.
  8. Switch on the pie maker and close the lid to cook.
  9. Cook for about 5 - 6 minutes until the cheese is golden brown and the top is crispy.

These are delicious served with a green salad. wonton-pies1 wonton-pies2 wonton-pies3
  • Wow! Great idea. I’ll give this a go :)


  • Such a clever idea!


  • I so need to get me one of these pie makers


  • Sounds good. I’m unsure about the tomato and bbq sauce though. None of us is into sauce.

    • We love sauce so it will suit us. Everyone has different tastes of course.


  • I love my pie maker. Thanks for an alternative recipe.


  • I’ll add a pastry lid to finish off the pie


  • They look so good,love the before and after photos! Thanks!


  • If you don’t have a pie maker, put them in the muffin tin and put in oven, works just as well.


  • Something I would not have thought to try.
    A great idea to use the wonton wrapper instead of pastry!


  • I so need to get myself one of these pie makers. I’m seeing SO many delicious recipes for it lately


  • Tried this last night, but didn’t have wontons so used mountain wraps. THe mixture was yummy as and a hit with the family.


  • Would leave mushies out as they are gross (lol).


  • What a wonderfully different recipe.


  • What a great recipe light and delicious! Thanks for sharing. I might have to buy a pie maker now!!


  • What a nice simple recipe. Think I’ll try this with some wraps I have at home as I don’t have wonton wrappers at hand.


  • Long before the introduction of sandwich makers or pie makers an elderly relative of mine used to bake large Pumpkin Pies that could be re-heated the next day. They wouldn’t have had much spice in them because of a medical problem she had. It was a favourite of mine.


  • Ok, after all these great recipes with the Pie Maker, I absolutely need to buy one!!!
    Looks great!!


  • Looks really fantastic. Thank you for sharing this one, love it.


  • Great idea will give this a try


  • Thank you for sharing this , a great idea.


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