
  • Serves 4
  • 80 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 10 Ingredients


I am so not ready to admit Winter is coming, and give into the unhealthy eating and soup – but today was COLD! So I thought I would mix up a healthy salad with roast vegetables and pasta. Traditional flavours and foods that I love on a cold day! You can use regular Penne but I decided to make beetroot Penne to go along with it.
I also tend to roast a whole pumpkin at a time and save the leftovers for pumpkin bread or other meals – it saves time later (I quarter and remove the seeds, in this recipe you will probably need to leave the quarters in longer than the cubes. You can also remove the skin once it is cooked)!

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 2 Medium to large Beetroots
  • 250g Wheat Flour
  • 1/2 Large Sweet Potato
  • 1/4 Medium Pumpkin
  • Dash Olive Oil (optional Coconut Oil)
  • Sprinkle Caraway Seeds
  • Handful Walnuts
  • 250g Feta - Goats or Cow
  • 3 Cloves of Garlic
  • 500g Rocket (and/or Spinach)


  1. Chop up the Pumpkin, Sweet Potato and one Beetroot into 2-3cm cubes. Slice Garlic into about 4mm pieces. Mix with olive oil or coconut oil, sprinkle with Caraway Seeds and place on roasting tray and into the oven at 180 degrees.
  2. Juice one Beetroot - you will need 90ml of juice (the rest you can drink or save for something else)
  3. Set up the Philips Noodle and Pasta Maker with the Penne attachment head. Put a pot of hot water on the stove to boil. Add the flour to the drum and add the Beetroot juice as per the instructions. Cut into Penne length pieces as it extrudes. Add to water and cook until al dente, drain and mix with a dash of olive oil to keep them from sticking.
  4. Check on the roast vegetables. They should be done by now (30-45 minutes). Remove vegetables. Add Pasta, Vegetables, Rocket (and/or Spinach) to a bowl and mix. Chop feta into cubes and mix through. Top with chopped walnuts.

  • This has some wonderful ingredients – can’t wait to try it.


  • pink and pasta – oh yumm


  • Pink pasta so very refreshing!


  • I really need to get my hands on the Phillips pasta maker! This recipe is divine!


  • I also like pasta and salad together,love this recipe!


  • Looks and sounds very healthy food


  • thats a lovely salad twist. i like it :) thanks for sharing such a lovely recipe


  • oh…wow… that looks really amazing! it looks professional and really appetizing! i can tell that it tastes great too :)


  • Wow, i do like this.


  • Roasted vegetables are always a winner.


  • Very nice recipe. I will have to show this to my mum. This is really her kind of dish.


  • Yummy will try this thanks good recipe


  • Looks amazing will try this thanks


  • Delicious


  • This salad looks so amazingly colourful ..thanks for sharing


  • Pink pasta sounds like something my girls would like to eat. An interesting recipe.


  • Some great ingredients work well together, thanks for the share.


  • What a lovely idea; going to try it out soon


  • Love getting new and interesting salad recipes.


  • I love the idea of beetroot pasta! Is it hard to juice a beetroot? They are rock hard at the best of times.

    • You really need a electric juicer or grater/food processor to get the juice out fast. I would not try putting it into a blender and then straining. They have a lot of juice in them so I found one beetroot made more than enough juice for the recipe.


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