
  • Makes 1
  • 25 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 10 Ingredients


Whip up a Potato and Pumpkin Pizza today.  The delicious combination of flavours is a good way to get a few extra veggies into the family !

Ingredients (makes 1 9” pizza)

  • 1 x9” Pre made base ( or you can make one from scratch)
  • 2 med Potatoes, peeled and sliced approximately 1/2 cm thick
  • Piece Pumpkin peeled and sliced approximately 1/2 cm thick
  • 1 small Red capsicum, sliced
  • 100 grams Feta cheese
  • Dried oregano or Italian herbs
  • Small amount Chopped bacon pieces
  • 1 small Onion, sliced thinly
  • Sprig Rosemary
  • 1 small clove Garlic, chopped finely


  1. Boil potatoes and pumpkin pieces until tender but still holding their shape. Cool slightly
  2. Place base on baking tray and brush with olive oil, sprinkle with chopped garlic
  3. Lay potatoes evenly around base , season with salt and pepper. Lay pumpkin pieces on to , season. Sprinkle with dried herbs
  4. Top with capsicum, bacon pieces, onion and feta
  5. Drizzle with a little oil
  6. Bake for 10-12 minutes until base is browned a little on the bottom


You can add more or less of any ingredient depending on personal taste. I’ve sprinkled chilli flakes and Parmesan cheese over this one for a change and it’s delicious.

  • I never put pumpkin or potato on a pizza.


  • yum….especially with red onions and feta


  • Yum! Great way to get the kids to eat more vegetables!


  • I had a Potato and Pumpkin Pizza the other night and it was delicious., especially the pumpkin.


  • As much as I love pizza, I dont think potato and pumpkin is a great pizza topping


  • I always thought I was weird for putting pumpkin and potato on my pizza, glad to see I’m not alone! I also add beetroot!


  • Great combination!


  • I love vegetable pizzas and this is a winner! Thanks!


  • A great combo of ingredients. My dad Introduced me to this as a kid and I’ve never looked back


  • I never tried pizza with fetta cheese very different style recipe


  • I love potato and sweet potato on pizza. Delish with fetta


  • I’ll never thougt to put potato on a pizza. Sweet potato goes really well so I will have to try! We’ve been making pizza s in our air fryer so very keep to try all flavour combos with what we have in the pantry


  • Interesting combinations in the topping, I would have never thought to try these together!


  • It looks authentic! Like your in Italy. Great recipe.


  • Yum. I absolutely love the idea of this with all the ingredients I love. Will definitely be trying this one.


  • Pizza can be topped with so many things when you make them yourself at home. Thanks for sharing this combination. Looks wonderful


  • This is a very interesting combination but not for me thanks anyway


  • oh wow, my son’s 18th birthday party is in a few weeks and this just made it to the menu!


  • Very interesting as have never had a pizza with these toppings. Will be looking into this one.


  • Unusual combination but certainly looks good. Thanks for the recipe.


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