
  • Makes 1
  • 60 minutes
  • Difficulty Medium
  • 8 Ingredients


Colourful marbled rainbow cake perfect for kids.

Ingredients (makes 1 cake)

  • 2 Cups Self Raising Floor
  • 2 cups Ground Sugar
  • 250 grams Unsalted Butter
  • 4 Eggs ( yolk separated )
  • 1/2 table spoon Baking Powder
  • 1/2 tea spoon Salt
  • 1/4 cup Milk
  • Few drops Liquid Food Color ( Red,Yellow,Green,Blue )


  1. Add butter in sugar & mix it well so comes in a dough form.
  2. Beat eggs white even it become so fluffy & didn't fall out if we turn the bowl upside down.
  3. Now mix sugar & butter mixture into beaten eggs & add eggs yolks too & slowly mix & keep adding self raising floor,salt,baking powder, milk & mix them until it smoothly mixed.
  4. Now divide all better in 6 small cups & add Colours. for basic colour just add red, yellow,green & blue in four different cups as per required of shades & mix them properly.
  5. Now add yellow & red in a cup for orange shade Add red & blue for indigo shade Now it's time for layering so spray the oil in round spring baking tin.
  6. Pour red cake mixture in the centre of the tin & spread all the way round then pour orange mixture just at the centre of the red & give a little tap then pour yellow over the orange then pour green then blue & in the end add indigo & tap the tin so no bubbles left.
  7. For baking pour 2 cup of water in a pressure cooker put the trivet in the centre of the cooker & place the tin over it & cover the cooker & put on stove for very slow heat for 30 minutes.
  8. After 30 minutes release the pressure & then check with a knife by inserting inside the cake to see if its fully cooked & then served chilled.

  • So pretty. I have to use my pressure cooker more.


  • I had no idea I could do this in the pressure cooker!


  • A beautiful cake in a very simple way very amazing


  • I’ve seen a cake made in a slow cooker but never a pressure cooker. I am intrigued


  • wow that is awesome, my cakes never turn out so bright and colourful – I can’t wait to give this version a try – thank you for sharing


  • A lovely and novel idea for the next birthday party.


  • Love a rainbow cake,it look’s amazing!


  • What a fabulous idea – the kids would go nuts for this for their birthdays.


  • Oh good idea it looks amazing


  • Great idea! This looks really good! A really nice recipe! Thanks


  • This cake looks amazing. Can’t wait to give it a try


  • What a great idea !! This looks awesome :)


  • Great idea! Pressure cooker and slow,cooker cakes seem to be all the rage. Might just have to attempt one for myself! Thanks for sharing!


  • I still can’t believe you can bake in the pressure cooker or slow cooker. Amazing!


  • That is so clever … thank you for sharing


  • Thanx for sharing this yummy recepie


  • I also have made this cake in my slowcooker. The kids loved cutting into it at the party.


  • I love my pressure cooker! I must admit I have never made a cake in it yet! The day is coming though!. Last November I MADE A HUGE RAINBOW CAKE IN THE SHAPE OF A RAINBOW! Hubby made me a huge cake tin in the shape of a rainbow. I even managed to get all the exact colours in order even indigo! Everyone loved it! lol!!


  • Looks awesome! Thanks for sharing.


  • Thanks for sharing this interesting and colourful looking cake; looks good.

    • This is an awesome and pretty rainbow cake.


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