This delicious quinoa and beetroot salad is a wonderful healthy lunch option. You will need a food processor for this one, unless you want to chop all the ingredients really small!
- 2 beetroots, peeled and quartered
- 1 cup of quinoa – cook as per packet instructions – with 1 cup, you will have leftovers
- 1-2 carrots – you can grate these if you want
- 1 small green apple or pear if you prefer
- 1-2 handfuls of fresh coriander
- juice of 1/2 a lemon
- Handful of walnuts to add to the top to serve
- 2-3 handfuls of rocket – I serve this salad on top of rocket, or spinach
- I also add some avocado to the top as well!
How to make it:
- Put the top 5 ingredients into the food processor and mix/chop until you get the desired size of the ingredients
- Put the rocket or spinach into a salad bowl, put the food processor ingredients on top, add some quinoa – I usually do about half the cooked quinoa and I let it cool before adding it, but you don’t have too!
- Squeeze lemon on top. Then add the walnuts – YUMMO!
Other possible additions
- Chickpeas (don’t food process)
- Red onion (food process)
- Roasted Sweet potato
- Could serve with grilled or BBQ’d salmon or fish
- Cucumber – I cut this
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