
  • Serves 6
  • 15 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 12 Ingredients


Light and healthy. A great alternative for a sweet treat.

Ingredients (serves 6)

  • BASE
  • 1 cup fresh pitted dates
  • 1 cup walnuts
  • 1 teaspoon fresh rosemary, Chopped very fine
  • 1/4 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 1/2 cups raw cashews , soaked in cold water for a few hours
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup maple syrup
  • 1 lemon or lime , juiced
  • raspberries to decorate


  1. Blend dates, walnuts,rosemary and salt together until finely chopped.
  2. Divide mixture evenly between 6 x 1/4 cup glasses. Chill
  3. To make filling ... drain cashews and blend with all ingredients ( except berries) Until smooth and creamy
  4. Pour mixture ,divided evenly over bases. Chill
  5. Decorate with raspberries ( slightly crushed ) and sprigs of rosemary


Although you have to think ahead to soak the cashews this is a quick and easy dessert for the health conscious out there. It can be decorated with any fruit. The rosemary is a strange but delightful addition!

  • Wow these look nice and healthy. Might have to give them a go : )


  • This sounds really good – love that eatun g raw isn’t actually that difficult for us learners! Thanks


  • oh yum… if this is going to be even a bot better than usual cheesecake… woww!!! love the look!


  • I have made these. They’re yummy and there’s no doubt they’re healthier for you then your average cheesecake, but I miss the cream cheese :'(


  • I’ve never had a raw cheesecake this sounds awesome!


  • Certainly sounds interesting and different, thanks for sharing.


  • This seems like a quick and easy recipe to make up when I’m time poor :)


  • What a yummy treat. I look forward to trying this one.


  • This sounds like a lovely light and healthy treat for summer – will definitely try it!


  • Such a lovely recipe idea, thanks.


  • These sound very yummy. Maybe something we need to try and maybe serve for Christmas


  • This sounds really interesting – I would never have thought to mix rosemary in a cheesecake – cant wait to experiment


  • I love cheesecake and this sounds an interesting and new take on the original. Yumm.


  • yum I really need to start eating like this -and cheesecake is a weakness of mine lol! – thank you for sharing your healthy version – cannot wait to give it a try

    • You are not alone! Cheesecake is a dessert I adore too – never say no to cheesecake! :)


  • I’m right into this clean healthy living, but it seems so much more involved then the usual one I make

    • Not that involved .. doesn’t take long to prepare


  • This is the type of recipe we like and make regularly. Thanks for sharing.


  • I am super intrigued by the rosemary in this desert! I had to read rosemary twice! Keen to taste the rosemary in this sweet dish.

    • Oops! typo – let’s try dessert and not desert!


  • Your presentation is beautiful,a lovely dessert!


  • Very little prep needed , I like the idea.


  • I would love to try this. I just pinned it. Very curious about the rosemary!! :-)


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