

Sent from the Heavens the roast pumpkin and chickpea burger served with roasted roma tomatoes and melting cheese on roti bread.

Serves 4.


  • 1 – packet Roti/ mountain or corn bread
  • 1 – Roast Pumpkin and Chickpea Burger (Roast Carrot and Kale burger also suitable)
  • 2 – Roma tomatoes or 1 punnet cherry tomatoes
100 grams grilling cheese (haloumi or feta is great!)
  • 2 – cups Rocket or spinach
  • 2 – Roast Pumpkin and Chickpea Burgers


Halve roma tomatoes and season with salt and pepper, or roast whole if cherry tomatoes and drizzle olive oil and sprigs of thyme and grill or bake in oven for 30 mins.

Pan fry Roast Pumpkin and Chickpea Burger in a little oil

Warm up bread if desired and layer all ingredients starting with lettuce, burger, pan fried or grilled haloumi cheese and roasted romas.

Larderfresh Burgers come in two great flavours – Roast Carrot, Kale & Chickpea and Roast Pumpkin & Chickpea and contain no preservatives or additives and are Gluten Free, Wheat Free, Dairy Free, Egg Free and Onion & Garlic Free. Available in an easy to use packet of 2, Larderfresh Burgers are available nationally from selected delis, foodstores and cafes and locally at Victoria’s Farmer’s Markets.
For more tasty and easy recipe ideas, visit www.larderfresh.com.au.
  • Thanks for the recipe – I know what we are having for lunch tomorrow.


  • This sounds both very tasty and healthy.


  • I prefer to make my own burgers but thanks for sharing


  • What a beautiful presentation! And what a tasty and healthy dish!!


  • Ah a bit disappointed this isn’t a make from scratch recipe. How hard is it to make a burger when you have the patty already bought and made?!


  • A healthy and delicious burger,love it!


  • I love roast pumpkin and have taken to adding it to my rolls at lunch time, salads, anything I can think of so I absolutely love this recipe.


  • Oh! yum! such a good burger and such good flavours, thanks for the wonderful recipe!


  • thanks for sharing – this looks really good!


  • This looks amazing


  • Thanks for sharing this interesting looking recipe; will be making and tasting it.


  • Definitely have to try this, my daughter seems to only want veg no meat, this will be a good alternative for her


  • Have never seen laderfresh burgers before


  • Love anything with roast pumpkin and feta


  • wonderful option for my meat free days

    • Meat free days are important to have; good to get more vegies.


  • these look divine, what a great alternative


  • Who would have thought that something that looks and sounds so delicious could also be healthy. Can’t wait to try this.


  • a nice and healthy burger recipe


  • What a healthy choice to your everyday burger. Thanks for sharing.


  • Great for our meat free Fridays


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