
  • Serves 1
  • 10 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 3 Ingredients

89 Comment

Recommendations for introducing eggs vary widely, the allergen is generally found in the protein of the egg whites which is why yolks may be introduced first. It is important to fully cook the egg yolks too, runny eggs may be yummy but there is a risk of salmonella contamination for little ones so its best to be safe!

Ingredients (serves 1)

  • 1/2 Small Whole sweet potato
  • 1 Egg
  • 20ml water, breast milk or formuls


  1. Roast your sweet potato whole in a moderate oven (180'), leaving the skin on
  2. Boil your egg for at least 8 min (yolk need to be cooked through)
  3. Gently peel skin off sweet potato and remove egg yolk from boiled egg, combine the sweet potato, egg yolk and milk or water. The consistency depends on the age and stage of your child.


I found this great for introducing protein into my little ones diet, before 6 months its more about experimenting with different flavours. Follow your instincts and bubs lead and dont be too distressed if more ends up on the floor, chair, dog or all over you! food should be fun! & they will get the hang of it eventually!

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