
  • Serves 4
  • 60 minutes
  • Difficulty Medium
  • 5 Ingredients


When a craving for something sweet hits, it can be tempting to sabotage a healthy diet with an unhealthful sweet treat. This recipe for Roasted Honey Cinnamon Chickpeas will satisfy a sweet tooth without ruining a diet. Unlike crunchy green peas that are savoury, these crunchy chickpeas are sweet and nutritious.

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 1 x 440ml can of chickpeas (garbanzo beans)
  • 1 tablespoon light brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon canola oil
  • 2 tablespoons honey


  1. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees celcius. Prepare a large baking pan by lightly spraying it with cooking spray and then set it aside.
  2. Open the chickpeas and pour into a strainer. Run cool water over the chickpeas until the starch is removed and the water runs clear. Spread the chickpeas onto several paper towels and gently rub dry. The skins may be gently removed if desired. The chickpeas should be as dry as possible in order for them to become crunchy as they bake.
  3. In a small bowl, mix through the brown sugar and cinnamon together until they are thoroughly combined. Stir the canola oil into the sugar and cinnamon mixture. Pour the chickpeas into the bowl and gently stir until they are completely coated in the mixture. Spread the chickpeas out evenly onto the prepared baking sheet.
  4. Place the pan into the oven and roast the chickpeas for 20 minutes. Remove from the oven and gently stir. Place the pan back into the oven and roast for an additional 20 minutes.
  5. Immediately place the hot chickpeas into a small bowl. Drizzle with honey and stir gently until thoroughly coated. Spread evenly back onto the baking sheet and allow to dry completely.
  6. Once completely cooled, place the chickpeas into an airtight container. They can be stored for up to a week at room temperature.

  • These look tastey. Never thought about toasting chickpeas before, a nice and healthy, sweet treat for those cravings


  • I do this without sugar and use coconut palm syrup or yacon syrup instead of honey as heating honey destroys the nutrients.


  • I tried a similar recipe unfortunately it didnt work out for me but your looks lovley


  • Well worth giving this a go. Sounds very sweet, might be able to change if needed.


  • This sounds amazing!


  • We love roasted chickpeas but the salted version…my kids have it every day in their lunchbox as snack. Am not sure about a sweet version. Would make it at least a bit more healthy as I don’t like using canola oil, light brown sugar and heating honey.


  • Wow, I’ve never had anything g like. Definetly going to make this.


  • I can’t wait to try these!


  • I love chickpeas but have never thought of sweet chickpeas. This sounds delicious! Can’t wait to make some.


  • Wonderful, tasty snack idea.


  • I love this idea, have never had roasted chickpeas but will definitely be giving this one a go for a healthy snack!


  • Sounds good to me,thanks for a healthy snack!


  • Sounds interesting, roasted and healthy :)


  • Thanks for sharing this great and very interesting recipe!.


  • I love a healthy treat that I can enjoy almost guilt free! Thanks!


  • I love roasted chickpeas, so I will definitely be trying this recipe.


  • Will definitely be making these. Always on the outlook for new and interesting recipes.


  • honey love it roasted


  • Yumm! I cannot wait to make these today!


  • yum these sound really good. honey chickpea is an amazing sounding snack

    • cheers for sharing such a good snack. i hope this will be ok for my waist lol


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