
  • Serves 4
  • Makes 4
  • 35 minutes
  • Difficulty Medium
  • 9 Ingredients

These sesame prawn skewers are perfect for a light lunch. The fruity mango salad is a delicious accompaniment and we love the crunch from the peanuts.

Ingredients (serves 4 | makes 4 )

  • 36 Green king prawns, peeled and de-veined
  • 1/4 cup of soy sauce
  • 1/2 cup seasame seeds
  • 1 mango, peeled and chopped
  • 2 tbsp roughly chopped peanuts
  • 1/4 cup coriander leaves
  • 2 tbsp thai basil leaves
  • 1 tbsp rice wine vinegar
  • sliced green onion to serve


  1. Place the prawns in a large bowl, add the soy sauce, toss to coat then cover and refrigerate for 10 minutes.
  2. Drain prawns from marinade and thread onto skewers. Spray with a little cooking oil spray.
  3. Place the sesame seeds on a large plate. Liberally coat each skewers in the sesame seeds.
  4. Heat a little oil in a large non stick frying pan over medium low heat. Cook the skewers in batches, turning once gently until golden and cooked through.
  5. While the prawn skewers are cooking, combine the chopped mango with the peanuts, herbs, rice wine vinegar and two tablespoons water.
  6. Serve the skewers sprinkled with extra sesame seeds, along with asian mango salad and rice or noodles. Garnish with green onion.

  • What an interesting recipe. I can’t imagine in my head how the rice wine will taste in this as it’s pretty distinct!


  • This looks fantastic. I cant wait for all the summer salads again ……


  • Nice fresh recipe.


  • Impressive looking dish. Thank you.


  • I love this delicious Summer recipe,can’t wait!


  • Oh yum, a fresh and delicious meal for those hit summer days


  • These look fresh and healthy, thanks for sharing


  • A lovely recipe, looks wonderful.


  • Sounds delicious such a great combination


  • Fresh, summery, and healthy … what more could we ask for. This meal should go down really well in our household. Lots of colour and texture.


  • I need to try this love prawns and it looks so good thanks for sharing


  • This looks fantastic, such a summery dish.


  • I love prawns and I love mango so this dish is a great combination for me. Thanks for your recipe.


  • Meant to say one is allergic and the other can not process peanuts.


  • Love this maybe using another nut in place of peanuts, not good for two here.


  • oh yumm, what delicious flavours in this.


  • My late husband would have loved these. Might have to try them for myself


  • Not a prawn fan


  • The skewers… yum! I’ve never had a mango salad. I love mango as a fruit, but would be prepared to try it in this instance.

    • Mango is amazing in salad and is well worth trying out. It is so refreshing and delicious.


  • love the mango salad, would be great for a quick and easy lunch!


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